All about me & In fashion
Culture and Champions
Life Skills/Call the police!
City Life
Getting on and Going Away

Give 5 adjectives used to describe the way a person looks.

Examples: attractive, ugly, handsome, pretty, good-looking, tall, short, fat, thin, skinny, muscular.


What are the four countries of the United Kingdom?

Answer: England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland 


Talk for a minute about physical activities that you do in your free time.



In which country were the 2008 Olympic Games held?



Choose the correct option to complete the sentence:

a. He does/makes me angry.

b. We had/made an argument this morning.

c. You have/are lots in common.

d. You need to make/have fun.

a. He makes me angry.

b. We had an argument this morning.

c. You have lots in common.

d. You need to have fun.


What are the opposites of these five adjectives: kind, polite, correct, healthy, patient.

Unkind, impolite, incorrect, unhealthy, impatient.


Name three other English-speaking countries.

Examples: USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa.


Name three types of crime.

Examples: theft, murder, burglary, hacking, pickpocketing, shoplifting, vandalism. 


What do we call a long line of cars which are stuck by the traffic lights?

A traffic jam


With your partner(s), discuss these questions for five minutes:

a. Who or what makes you angry?

b. How do you have fun? Who with?

c. What do you have in common with your best friends?



Give 5 ways of describing clothes or the way someone is dressed.

Examples: badly-dressed, loose-fitting, uncomfortable, casual, second-hand, unfashionable, smart, trendy, brand new, well-dressed, fashionable.


Correct the mistake in each sentence:

1. My mum is more relaxed that my dad.

2. Coffee is the more popular drink in the UK.

3. I'm not as taller as you.

1. My mum is more relaxed than my dad.

2. Coffee is the most popular drink in the UK.

3. I'm not as tall as you.


Correct the mistake in each sentence.

1. I read a book when a woman screamed.

2. We went to my house and we were watching TV. 

3. When I walked near the river, I saw a dog in the water.

1. I was reading a book when a woman screamed.

2. We went to my house and (we) watched TV. 

3. When I was walking near the river, I saw a dog in the water.


Buses, trains and trams are all examples of what?

Public transport


What do we call/how do we say ... 

1. a secret word that protects you online

2. shut something with a key

3. say sorry to someone

4. believe someone is good, reliable and honest

1. password (noun)

2. lock (verb)

3. apologize (verb)

4. trust (verb)


Choose the correct words:

1. I choosed/chose some new shoes for the party.

2. Did you get/got any new clothes.

3. I didn't met/meet your friends at the concert. 

Complete these sentences so that they are true for you:

4. I . . . . . . (wear) jeans yesterday.

5. My family and I . . . . . . (watch) TV last night.

6. My best friend . . . . . . (text) me this morning. 

1. chose

2. get

3. meet

4. wore/didn't wear

5. watched/didn't watch

6. text/didn't text


1. I was taking photographs of the girl's football team.

2. The were practising on the the football pitch.

a) We use the past continuous to talk about actions in progress at a particular time in the present/the past.

b) We form the past continuous with the correct present/past form of be and the infinitive/-ing form of the verb.

a) We use the past continuous to talk about actions in progress at a particular time in the past.

b) We form the past continuous with the correct past form of be and the -ing form of the verb.


What do you need to be able to get on an airplane?

A boarding pass (and passport)


Someone who walks on the pavement is a .........?



Complete the sentences:

a. You have to show your . . . . and your ticket at the check-in desk.

b. There's often a . . . . for the security check.

c. As you walk through the security check, officers might ask to check inside your . . . . .

a. passport

b. queue

c. baggage/luggage/bag


You have 90 seconds to think of as many words as you can which use letters in the word 'uncomfortable'. The team that thinks of the most words wins.

Examples: are, cat, far, fat, for, not, one, ten, blue, boat, coat, comb, come, foot, form, four, from, late, moon, more, near, room, tune, comfort, comfortable, count, table, trouble 


Name three famous cities in the UK.

Examples: London, Birmingham, Manchester, Liverpool, Newcastle, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Oxford, Cambridge. 


If something is against the law, then we say it is . . . . . . (adj.)



What do we call very tall buildings?



Make sentences with the present continuous (e.g. I'm running to school tomorrow) or be going to (e.g. I'm going to run to school next week).

a. I/get/the bus at 6.45pm

b. we/walk/home after school today

c. The sky is dark and cloudy. I think/it/rain

d. I/cycle/to your house next time

a. I'm getting the bus at 6.45pm/I'm going to get the bus at 6.45pm.

b. We're walking home after school today/We're going to walk home after school today.

c. I think it's raining/I think it's going to rain.

d. I'm cycling to your house next time/I'm going to cycle to your house next time. 
