The slogan of this game is "Gotta Catch 'Em All"
Name the shortest, oldest, and most commonly used word in English
Say the name of the clown from "It"
The tallest mountain in the world.
Mt. Everest
Which came first: Apple or Microsoft
The name of Mario's brother.
ASAP stands for this phrase.
"as soon as possible"
In the Lord of the Rings, this is Bilbo's last name.
The largest continent (not country).
This is another name for the season of fall.
What famous game character is a hedgehog
Sonic the Hedgehog
Name some languages that influenced English through history (at least three)
Back to future
Name the longest day of the year
The day of summer solstice, June 21
This planet is closest to the sun
Name the company that developed a gaming console with the motion technology that physically gets you into the game
Explain the collocation "crutch words"
These are words we always use even though they add no meaning or value to a sentence:
"Then I was like, OMG, then like, he went there, and like…"
Guess the movie by the tune
Guardians Of The Galaxy
The world's largest snake.
An anaconda
This is the northern most state in the US.
Guess the game: "The player controls a creature that moves around the screen collecting food or other objects trying not to collide with itself and the edges of the playing field. The player cannot stop the creature from moving".
Name the game and the company it developed
What is unusual in this sentence:
"The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"
It is a pangram, or holoalphabetic sentence, a sentence that contains every letter of the alphabet at least once.
In the end credits of what movie can you see the phrase: "No dragons were harmed in the making of this movie" ?
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
The world's fastest sea animal.
A killer whale
Name the three primary colors.
Red, yellow, and blue