What is the name of a law school that ABA went to?
Colombia law school!
How many sisters & brothers does ABA have?
Is ABA a Gush Guy?
Name 2 companies ABA works/worked in
Covington &(it makes the best water bottles)
In What place is he in his family
Is ABA impure?
OF COURSE! Every one is!
Did ABA go to Ben Porat Yosef when he was a kid?
Did any of ABA's siblings go?
Aba did not go to Ben Porat Yosef
but his siblings did
What are ABA's parents and any great ant from both sides names?
Beth Hindin & Lee Hindin
Ant Harriet & Ant Rita
Is ABA's favorite Ice Crème Mint?
What is one of the tests they gave ABA? to get into Makenzie?
Lemon squeezy machine case or Turquoise tinker bell case or Israel boom case or Logic confess project
What is ABA's full Name Spelled right
Doron Oran Hindin
Did ABA rite a Artical Called Our Own bad Enemy's!
NO! Our own WORST enimys!
Name 4 things ABA regularly advises on.
#BONOS here's one- Trade sanctions and restrictive trade measures;#
(1) Public International Law and National Security Law;
(2) Matters relating to the Arab-Israeli Conflict (eg, BDS and anti-boycott compliance, Israeli-
Palestinian commercial dispute resolution, etc.);
(3) Export Controls (Defense and Dual-Use Export Controls and Israeli Encryption Control);
(4) Trade sanctions and restrictive trade measures;
Name all ABA's niece's & nephew's & uncles in law & ants in law & sisters & brothers
Yahir & Talia & Yachiel & Sara & Rivka & Aten & Ester & Omar.
Leba, Eliana, Gabriel, Marav, Orlay, Nava, Matan ell, Renan, Levi, Serena, Carmel, Livia, Ceram
Did Aba go to at leas 19 Schools?
NO! 19! who ever herd of going to 19 Schools!