Civil Rights
The Civil War
Indigenous Peoples
The Enlightenment

This man owned Sun Records and discovered Elvis Presley.

Who is Sam Phillips?


Celebrity entertainers such as Bob Dylan and Sammy Davis, Jr. helped fund this 1963 event, though it was organized primarily by A. Philip Randolph.

What was the March on Washington?


After the Sacking of Lawrence, this man and some companions committed the Pottawatomie Massacre in Missouri. 

Who was John Brown?


This confusing term was applied to indigenous peoples by white Americans who simultaneously respected them but also thought they were little more than uncivilized animals. 

What are Noble Savages?


This hierarchical belief in how power was distributed in Europe was destroyed by Enlightenment thinking during the 1700s.

What is The Great Chain of Being?


This man was a "jazz ambassador" in the 1950s, sent by the State Department to help popularize jazz around the world. He recorded and played different styles of jazz for decades.

Who is Louis Armstrong?


This woman worked as a field investigator for the NAACP,  specializing in interviewing black women who had been sexually assaulted by white policemen.

Who was Rosa Parks?


This United States president proposed the lenient Ten Percent Plan to get Confederate States back into the Union.

Who was Abraham Lincoln?


This 1830 law was put into place during the Andrew Jackson administration, but it reflected white America's wish to force American Indians from good land and put them into reservations. 

What was the Indian Removal Act of 1830?


This was the term given to all earth sciences during the Enlightenment.

What is natural philosophy?


This is sometimes called "field song," the call-and-response style of music that African American slaves once sang while they worked. 

What are spirituals?


This American president helped shove the 1964 Civil Rights Act through Congress. 

Who was Lyndon B. Johnson?


This was the process Southerners undertook in an attempt to remake the South as it was before the Civil War, enforcing white supremacy. 

What is Redemption?


Before reservations, Spanish missionaries would sometimes force American Indian populations into these enclosed living spaces.

What are reducciones?


This man was the grandfather of the person who wrote On the Origin of Species, proposing that all animals came into being through evolution before his grandson could provide the theory of how that was actually done. 

Who was Erasmus Darwin?


This primetime television show helped launch the careers of The Beatles and Elvis Presley

What is The Ed Sullivan Show?

In reality, the Civil Rights Movement is something that began with slavery and is still on going, though most Americans typically think that it took place during these decades. 

What are the 1960s and 1970s?


Like the Ku Klux Klan, these groups engaged in racist political terrorism, though they did not wear masks. 

What are the White Leagues?


This woman acted as guide and translator for Lewis and Clark.

Who was Sacagawea?


This man was a geologist, proposing that the Earth was millions of years old when the common perception was that it was only 6000 years old. Charles Lyell would come along after he died and popularized his scientific theories. 

Who was James Hutton?


This African American saxophonist helped push jazz to the next level in the 1960s when he helped create freeform jazz.

Who is John Coltrane?


Ethnic groups that have been forcibly dispersed throughout the world are said to be in this condition.

What is a diaspora?


The famous Cornerstone Speech was given by this Confederate Vice President.

Who was Alexander Stephens?


In Tasmania, this tactic slowly forced Aborginal peoples into a reservation at the far end of the island. 

What is the Black Line?


This man had a theory of how evolution worked before anyone else, though it was wrong. He though learned skills and behaviors could be passed down to offspring. 

Who was Jean-Baptiste Lemarck?
