This is the date of the server's birthday (year included).
What is June 28, 2018?
All of the NSFW content should be located in this channel.
What is General 2?
"Ahhhhh, I hate women"
These three are all children of Dyno.
Who are Mav, Gyle, and Salt?
The majority of members recognize this member for their love of beans and toast.
Who is Cardy?
This month contains the most amount of recorded birthdays.
What is March?
The moderators of the server are given this role.
What is "Head Chefs"?
"Time to get kinky with my besties"
Who is Bin?
These people are in the corners of the family tree, not related to anyone (full points for 2 people, double points for all 4)
Who are Kreme, Kippu, Jaz, and Anode?
This game is the origin of many forbidden phrases, one being "sussy."
What is "Amidst Ourselves?"
These three people have the same birthday of August 16.
Who are Gyle, Salt, and Sparrow?
What is "Showing Common Courtesy"?
Who is Gyle?
This was the relationship between Starmon and Salt before Starmon disconnected with her.
What is parent-child?
These two people are known for being clones.
Who are Gyle and Soul?
This person is the only person that has a recorded birthday in January.
Who is Soul?
While not widely known, the only currently known method to receiving a custom role is by doing this.
What is boosting the server?
"Think of me as a croissant and just eat me"
Who is Luckyo?
This is the amount of people Salt is married to.
What is 5 people?
On April 1, 2021, the majority of members spoke this language in celebration of the holiday held on that date.
What is Salt Latin?
This is the date (year not included) of Bin's birthday.
What is February 2?
This rule is the most recently added rule to the server.
What is "Asking Permission Before Inviting Others"?
"God is dead"
"And gyle killed him"
Who is Bitz?
These are the two ways are Luckyo and Jason related.
What is marriage and great grandson - great grandparent?
This is the amount "?man" commands there are in this server.
What is 12?