feed to my today i have dog.
i have to feed my dog today.
spf sunblock
sun protective function
what candy bar shares it's name with or galaxy?
milky way
What TV show was Jack Nicholson referencing when he ad-libbed “Here’s Johnny!” in The Shining?
The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson
What common farm animal doesn’t have teeth on their upper jaw?
repair car is shop in the my
my car is in the repair shop.
estimated time of arival
what candy bar is named after a famous trio?
3 musketeers
In what 1976 thriller does Robert De Niro famously say “You talkin’ to me?”
Taxi Driver
What object does a male penguin often gift to a female penguin to win her over?
A Rock
to to lights pay bills running keep have i the my.
i have to pay the bills to keep my lights running.
post script
what candy is found in a pack of baseball cards?
bubble gum
What was the first feature-length animated movie ever released?
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
Which bird is unable to move their eyes?
Although they can rotate their head nearly 180 degrees, owls cannot move their eyes.
hot dog more usaul when outside my water than it is drinks.
when it is hot outside my dog drinks more water then usual.
engilsh as a secend language
what was the candy lollipop named after?
a race horse
For what movie did Steven Spielberg win his first Oscar for Best Director?
Schindler’s List
Which bird is known to be the smallest in the world?Bonus Question: How small is this bird?
Bee Hummingbird, measuring at 2.25 inches
go take bathing put to the i my suit onblouck sun i swimming out when and sunscreen
when i go swimming i take my bathing suit and put on sunscreen to block out the sun.
genetically modifed organisms
what does M&M stand for?
mars and murrie
What animated classic was the first film of the late-twentieth-century “Disney Renaissance?
The Little Mermaid
What popular sea creature has the ability to clone itself?
Jellyfish; Jellyfish, when cut in half, have the ability to regenerate their cells and create other jellyfish.