An examination of a person to make sure the person is healthy.
a. subject
b. hold
c. check up
d. often
c check-up
Find the adjective:
I am holding two coins in my hand.
To cover with a layer of something.
a. coated
b. storm
c. peek
d. rink
Find the adjective that compares:
The little girl has the longest hair in her family.
Who can help you learn to play a spot?
a. coach
b. cat
c. amanda t
d. pizza
An adult; someone who is fully grown.
a. coach
b. grown-up
c. healthy
d. awful
Find the adjective:
The square cakes on the table look awful.
To make a person or object fall to the ground.
a. sign
b. coat
c. gather
d. cozy
Find the adjective that compares:
Water freezes when it is colder than zero degrees.
Who are community helpers that protect you?
a. broccoli and mushroom
b. police officer and fire fighter
c. coffee and water
d. adrienne and amanda t
To go somewhere to see someone or something.
a. subject
b. cat
c. coach
d. check-up
Find the adjective:
He puts the little gift in a red bag.
little and red
Warm and comfortable.
a. freeze
b. gather
c. knock down
d. cozy
Find the adjective that compares:
Today is the hottest day of the year.
How old is Amanda T?
a. 500
b. 1
c. 25
d. 31
To have or keep in your hand.
a. visit
b. subject
c. hold
d. match
Find the adjectives:
I saw four fluffy clouds in the blue sky.
fluffy and blue
To give off small flashes of light.
a. knock down
b. sparkle
c. sign
d. rink
Find the adjective that compares:
Your room is cozier than mine.
In "Wrapped in Ice"
What makes the power go out?
a. cheese falling from the sky
b. an ice storm
c. lighting
d. frogs
What words means many times?
a. adrienne t
b. poly
c. often
d. kimbap
Find the adjective:
The large elephant was running at me.
To look at something quickly or secretly.
a. storm
b. peek
c. sign
d. rink
Find the adjective that compares:
The yellow sign is bigger than the green sig, but the red sign is the biggest.
bigger and biggest
In "Heat Wave"
where do the kids go to beat the heat?
a. emart
b. homeplus
c. poly
d. the swimming pool