Name 1 Athenian Educator
Plato, Aristotle, Isocrates
Were slaves legally allowed to access education?
No. Of course not. As if you didn't know that.
True or false – Athenian women were able to participate in wrestling during school
false, spartan women were able to but Athenian women weren't
Grammar/Literacy and numeracy
What was the main purpose of male education?
make citizens trine in the arts, and to prepare them for both peace and war. It was aimed at the cultivation of students’ physical, mental, and moral qualities.
True or false, Plato wrote the Athenian Constitution
False, it was Aristotle
Was advertising a thing in Athens?
Yes, Sophists used it to reach as many customers as possible.
Who taught the females in Athens?
mothers and private tutors. don't be proud of yourself.
They were slave/chaperone, who would accompany a student to make sure the student behaved and if he didn't, he would beat him. But also, to make sure the teachers did not take advantage of the student.
Were there private schools in Athens?
All schools were very small private schools.
True or false, Aristotle wrote an estimate 300 works
False, it was an estimated 200.
What did traditionalists believe higher education would do to Athens?
Traditionalists believed that raising "intellectuals" would destroy Athenian culture, and leave Athens at a disadvantage in war.
What were women taught?
how to be mothers (I.e. housekeeping, motherhood)
Physical education, physical trainer
At what age did boys begin going to school
6. This was the equivelant of a free space in bingo mate. Come on.
Who has the titles of "the father of logic", "the father of biology", "the father of political science", the "father of zoology", "the father of embryology", "the father of natural law", "the father of scientific method", "the father of rhetoric", "the father of psychology", "the father of realism", and "the father of meteorology"?
What was the most integral part of Classical Athenian Higher Education?
Uneducated women were able to help with economics through what activity?
Music teacher
Where did the boys do their physical education?
Palaestra. To be honest, I couldn't see anyone getting this wrong.
Who invented the theory of vision?
What was the overarching purpose of Higher Education regardless of field?
the development of philosophical insight. It was seen as necessary for individuals to use knowledge within a framework of logic and reason.
Who is a well-known educated female? HINT! she was married to Pericles
Aspasia (AKA Shawty)
mousike tekhne
the practical knowledge of that which is musical, pertaining to the Muses
How many years should Athenian children stay at school for?
I tricked you, you've been tricked. You were lulled into a false sense of security by the previous two elementary level questions and now you have officially failed. Parents decided how long the children "SHOULD" stay in school... i will accept 10 years (Ages 6-16)