A place where people keep or borrow money.
Fill in the blank with the correct verb.
Tom _______ (live) by the supermarket.
What is the name of the clown?
Nick Bottom
On Wings of Her Own is a story about who?
Jean Batten
How many moons did Hou Yi shoot down?
The part that makes a machine stop; to stop.
Molly _______ (drink) two cups of milk yesterday.
Who is Oberon in love with?
What was Jean Batten's nickname?
The "Try Again Girl"
Which holiday do we celebrate by eating pomelos and BBQ?
A person who does not eat meat; made using no meat.
will take down
Oberon uses magic to turn Nick's head into the ________.
What was the name of Jean's book?
My Life
Which holiday is celebrated on the first day of the Lunar year?
Chinese New Year
to make jokes about
make fun of
The boys _________ (play basketball) while I cleaned the house.
were playing basketball
What does Puck use to make people fall in love with each other?
Pansy juice
What was Jean's record for flying from England to New Zealand.
11 days, 45 minutes
What is the second largest group of aboriginals living in Taiwan?
to try something and hope you will succeed
take a chance
Samantha worked at Hess six months ago. (for seven years)
Samantha has been working at Hess for seven years.
What happens in Athens if a daughter disobeys her father.
She will die.
What are the three tools that pilots need to steer a plane?
A map, a compass, and a watch.
Where did the couple find the magical ax that could kill the dragons?
Under Ali Mountain