Mixed Bag
As the Seasons Turn
Fun with Food
Songs by the Numbers
Hello & Goodbye

This country owns every panda in the world.

What is China?


In the United States and Canada, the longest day of the year occurs in this month.

What is June? The longest day of the year is the official beginning of summer.


Bees make this food, and it’s an ancient wound healer.

What is honey? It was one of the first substances used for healing wounds and dates back to ancient civilizations such as the Sumerians, Babylonians, Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans.


This is a Beatles tune: “[number] Days a Week.”

What is “Eight”? According to Paul McCartney, the title came from his chauffeur. The chauffeur told him that he had been working hard—eight days a week. Later, it was claimed that Ringo Starr came up with the title.


When in Hawaii, use this word when greeting people.

What is aloha? It is used to say hello and goodbye, but it means more. When it comes from the heart, it means “love, peace, and compassion.”


What does PhD stand for? 

What is doctor of philosophy? All PhDs hold doctorates, but not all people holding doctorates are PhDs. For example, EdD stands for doctor of education


In the United States and Canada, the shortest day of the year occurs in this month.

What is December? It marks the first day of winter.


This thinly sliced salad ingredient helps tighten skin around the eyes.

What is cucumber? Cucumbers have antioxidant properties, and they hydrate the area around the eyes.


This Clovers tune was covered by the Searchers in 1965: “Love Potion No. [number].”

What is 9? The original album version ends with, “I had so much fun that I’m going back again; I wonder what happens with Love Potion No.10!”


The simplest greeting in Spanish is a four-letter word beginning with a silent H.

What is hola? It is often followed by buenas dias. Buenas dias is a more formal way of saying hello, meaning “good day.”


This nut is used to make marzipan. 

What is the almond? Marzipan is a baking ingredient similar to almond paste, but marzipan includes egg whites, making it smoother and more pliable than the paste.


Seasons are caused by Earth’s relationship to this heavenly body.

What is the sun? The roughly 23.5-degree tilt of Earth’s axis exposes the northern and southern hemispheres to fluctuating amounts of direct sunlight throughout the year.


Children like to help thread this snack food into garlands to decorate Christmas trees.

What is popcorn? You can also use cranberries or alternate the two.


When going on field trips or camping trips, kids sing this tune about bottles of beer on the wall, and it starts with this number.

What is 99? The whole song goes, “99 bottles of beer on the wall, 99 bottles of beer, take one down, pass it around, 98 bottles of beer of the wall.” Then you start over with 98 and continue until you reach zero.


At night, this is how you say goodbye in Spain and Mexico.

What is buenas noches? It means “good evening” or “good night.”


This is the brightest star in the sky. 

What is Sirius? It’s also known as the Dog Star, and its name means “glowing” in Greek.


This imaginary dividing line runs along the horizontal circumference of Earth, divides the northern and southern hemisphere, and marks the difference in seasons between the northern and southern hemisphere.

What is the equator? The equator is roughly 24,900 miles (40,000 kilometers) long.


This acidic salad dressing ingredient can be used for cleaning.

What is vinegar? Be sure to use white vinegar. Heinz makes a vinegar formulated for cleaning.


Paul Simon wrote the hit “[number] Ways to Leave Your Lover.”

What is 50? Paul Simon wrote it to teach his son how to rhyme: Slip out the back, Jack - Make a new plan, Stan - You don’t need to be coy, Roy, just set yourself free.


This Italian four-letter word beginning with a C is a casual hello or goodbye.

What is ciao? A more formal greeting is salve, which is used any time of day. The more formal goodbye is arrivederci, also used any time of day.


The Taj Mahal is in this city in India. 

What is Agra? It took more than two decades to build the Taj Mahal, and elephants transported the goods used to build it.


This is the season in Australia and New Zealand on New Year’s Day.

What is summer? The seasons are reversed in the southern hemisphere. In Australia and New Zealand, the summer months are December, January, and February.


It takes only two ingredients to make DIY papier-mâché glue or paste. Name one of them.

What is flour or water? Heat the ingredients and stir to make a smooth paste.


Jimmy Buffett’s song “A Pirate Looks at [this age]” is about a real pirate he met when he first arrived in Key West.

What is 40? Buffett released “A Pirate Looks at 40” when he was 27 years old.


Edward R. Morrow began his sign-off on his news program See It Now with “Good night” and ended it with this.

What is “good luck”? His full sign-off was “Good night and good luck.”
