Effective Classroom Literacy Instruction
Chapter 11 Vocabulary
Meeting the Diverse Needs of K-3 Learners
What Good Readers of Expository Texts Do
Chapter 12 Vocabulary

Teachers structure the classroom environment and learning activities so that students understand expectations, behaviors, and outcomes and work towards independence, cooperation, and task completion.

What is the encouragement of self-regulation?


Located in a part of the classroom with an unobstructed view of whiteboards, projection screens, or interactive whiteboards and well away from areas in the classroom designated for quiet, small-group, or individual activities

What is a whole-class instructional area?


These readers are quick to identify unknown words and read quickly and accurately but do not comprehend what they read well. With these readers, teachers need to focus on comprehension strategy instruction and text discussions.

What are automatic word callers?


Have a good understanding of sounds in spoken words (phonemic awareness) and how these sounds are manipulated to form words. These connections are made at the syllable level.

Use strong phonics skills to quickly identify and pronounce unknown words.

What is decoding?


Has to do with students applying their literacy skills in reading informational texts in order to acquire new knowledge in the subject areas or disciplines of mathematics, science, social studies, and English language arts.

What is disciplinary literacy (or content area reading)?


Teachers structure classroom learning experiences so that every possible moment is focused on authentic reading and writing tasks rather than completing "skill and drill" sheets.

What is the volume of reading and writing?


This focuses children's attention on learning sight words and should be located near and have an unobstructed view of a classroom word wall.

What is a word workstation?


These students comprehend well and have strong vocabularies, but they read inaccurately and slowly.

What are word stumblers?


Have a wide-range knowledge of oral and print vocabulary.

Can use their robust vocabulary knowledge as a tool to decifer the meanings of unknown words.

What is vocabulary?


This is an essential process for establishing instructional objectives and structuring learning activities for your students.

What is content analysis?


Kindergarten teachers structure multiple play and exploration centers with literacy learning as the focus.

What is work as play in kindergarten?


An area in the classroom where students listen to books read aloud.

What is a listening comprehension station?


Students who identify words accurately, understand what they read, and have good vocabularies, but read orally at a rather slow rate.

What are slow comprehenders?


Are purposeful, strategic, and criticsal readers.

Are able to understand the content presented in various types of print and digital text with minimal or no assistance.

What is text comprehension?


This was the formula that was used in developing the Common Core State Standards on which many of their tests are based.

What is Lexile framework?


Teachers teach children to use letter-sound information, word parts and patterns, and contextual information to identify unknown words.

What is multidimensional word recognition instruction?


This is used for a variety of reading tasks that can be pursued in pairs or with reading buddies, including digital technology supports.

What is a paired or assisted reading station?


These students identify words accurately, but read slowly and do not comprehend what they read.

What are slow word callers?


Use their knowledge of word parts (root words, affixes) to recognize complex words.

What is morphology?


This should be used on questions that cannot be answered by students using their prior knowledge alone or their test-taking skills and draw students back into the text to reread portions of the text to discover or infer the answer.

What are text-dependent questions?


Teachers make and implement plans for collaborating with others to ensure student success.

What is the collaboration with teachers, administrators, parents, and other community members?


This is to use students' talk about personal or vicarious experiences as the basis for creating a piece of writing.

What is the language experience approach (LEA)?


These students show weaknesses across the board of word identification, fluency, and comprehension, but may have normal vocabularies.

What are disabled readers?


Recognize words automatically and are better able to understand text when reading aloud or silently.

Are more confident about the content and meaning of what they have read.

What is fluency?


Practicing and teaching a strategy properly and consistently.

What is fidelity of implementation?
