This is the opposite of a strengths-based perception
What is a deficit-based perception?
This student can read and write in two languages
A bi-literate student
This program includes native speaking peers from two languages are taught literacy and academic content in two languages
What is a Two Way Dual Language Program?
This is the first step in transforming deficit-based perceptions.
What is a Strengths-based Perception?
Language allocation can be 80 percent Spanish and 20 percent English - 80/20
What is a dual language classroom?
In this program, students receive their schooling through their heritage language and another language
What is one way dual language
This is the acceptance or attitude towards student's potential
What is a strengths-based belief
This term is used to when a person using two languages within a sentence on purpose
What is code switching
In this program students begin instruction through their native language and transition to English
What is transitional bilingual education
Something that many teachers think they are applying but end up disconnected from their beliefs
What are Strengths-based Practices
This program is used to learn how to converse in a second language
Foreign Language instruction
In this program, students are supported in their native language by being pulled out from the mainstream classroom
What is ESL pullout
This is considered the impact for implementing a strengths based approach in a school environment
What is a positive climate and culture
This term is used to demonstrate how students can transfer background knowledge from their native language to make sense and use of in a second language
What is Translanguaging
It is considered the best Bilingual Education Course at Roosevelt University
What is DLED 474 with Allen