Yellow Belt Green Stripe
Contact Skills- Block cross and elbow smash knee smash
Green Belt Blue Stripe
Great Stances Great Chambers
White Belt Red Stripe
Sparring/ Defense Flows
Yellow Belt Black Stripes
Artistic and Sparring Blocks
Cub Green Stripe
Polite greeting, Life skill and block
White Belt Green Stripe
Contact Skills- jab cross and hammerfist
Yellow Belt Blue Stripes
Feet together moves 1-2, 2-3. 6-7
Hips and feet forward on all power stances
Crossing chambers on top
Green Belt Red Stripe
Active hands and feet, Guard up, Counter attacks
Fantastic 5
Smile, use of name, encouragement, praise, appropriate touch
Blue Stripes Cubs
Kick and coordination skill
Brown Belt Green Stripe (and testing requirement)
Plus sign- one side for stripe and testing
Brown Belt Blue Stripe
Re-chambers on kicks, land every stance
Red Belt Red Stripe
360 kicks, jump spin kicks, lateral moves while attacking
Mr. Smith's favorite type of food
Cub Red Stripe
Strike, Stance, Escape Skill
Green Belt Green Stripe (and testing requirement)
1 hand and 1 foot (no testing breaks)
Red Belt Blue Stripe
Posture and Timing
Blue Belts Red Stripes
Double kicks, hand foot combos
All 5 Essence Principles
BPA, extended plane dynamic force, Stage flow transition, CAT, mindfulness
How does a cub get a black stripe
parents phone number (tactical)
help a family member(competition)
Red Belt Green Stripe
Plus sign both sides
Blue Belt Blue Stripe
Pivots and Explode and Pause
Brown Belt Red Stripes
Triple/quadruple kicks, Jumps, Spins
Combine Elements
Speed, reaction, power, accuracy, range, balance
Tiger Cub Brown Belt Life Skill
Patience- Patience is waiting, listening, and understanding