These twins have blue hair and are from the Alola region. They thought Ash was Lana's boyfriend.
Who are Harper and Sarah?
This mountain is located in between the Safari Zone and Cinnabar Island. Stone Town is at its base.
Evolution Mountain
This game could also be called the funniest Pokémon game.
Pokémon XD
Blitzle is this color
Black (with white stripes)
A trace or piece of an organism from the past preserved in the earth.
There are many doppelgängers in Pokémon. Travis is a doppelgänger of which main character?
Who is Ash?
This Pokémon was sent out if its Poke Ball so it could be compared with its Alolan Form. It immediately smothered Ash upon seeing him.
These are temporary bonus effects used from the Player Search System in Pokémon X and Y.
This is the only Pokémon with a Mega Evolution that starts with "V"
This item was known as a Wing before Generation VIII. They boost stats of a Trainer's Pokémon.
This is the name of the law enforcement agency in the Pokémon world. It's most notable member is Looker.
What is the International Police or the Global Police?
A member of the Alola Elite Four, she specializes in Rock-type Pokémon and grans the Akala stamp to those who defeat her.
This Pokémon has many evolutions but cannot evolve with the Gigantamax Factor.
A collection of data that, due to programming oversights, a Pokémon game handles as if it were a Pokémon species.
Glitch Pokémon
This drink restores a Pokemon's HP. You can also find kids selling this in front of their houses IRL.
Nicky plays this instrument.
This tactic was developed by Ash to prevent Fantina's Pokémon from making his Pokémon sleep with Hypnosis.
Counter Shield
This dual-type Dark/Flying legendary Pokémon was introduced in Generation VI. It is the game mascot of Pokémon Y and appears on the boxart.
Kangaskhan can only be this gender.
This item may be used before planting berries to promote healthy berry growth.
Bruno captured this giant Pokémon.
Before modern techniques, Poke Balls were made from hallowed out ________.
This Pokémon has the ability to expand continents and is the game mascot of Pokémon Ruby.
This starter Pokémon was introduced in Generation V and evolves into Dewott.
This item allows people to communicate with each other through holograms.
Holo Caster