of the Bible
She was demon-possessed. Jesus cured her and she put faith in him and became a disciple
Mary Magdalene
(it pg 349 para 2)
Jehovah God made a covenant with regard to His purpose to preserve human and animal life while destroying the wicked world of that day.
Covenant with Noah
( it-1 522)
This illustration is about a separation of people that will happen sometime during the great tribulation
(illustration of sheep and goats)
Jehovah performed a resurrection through his bones
This angel told Mary about her giving birth to Jesus
he received Holy spirit before he was baptized. It is noteworthy that this was the only time that the holy spirit was given before baptism.
(w95 5/15 11-12)
This covenant was made between Jehovah and Isreal
The Law Covenant
This illustration is where Jesus makes it clear that we should not be prejudiced and that we should be kind
the illustration of the neighborly Samaritan
A non-isrealite leper was healed!
this angel possibly killed the 185000 Assyrians
Micheal the Archangel
Both of Her Armic and Greek names meant gazelle
(it vol 1 pg 646 para 1)
This covenant served as a sign to indicate that a person belonged to the Israelite descendants of Abraham, who were privileged to be “entrusted with the sacred pronouncements of God.
Covenant of Circumcision
(w07 6/1 pg 12 )
This illustration the first became the last and the last became the first
Illustration of workers on the vineyard
In this miracle, the shadow went 10 steps back
(hezekiah gaining 15 more years to his life span)
her grandfather was Absolom and her grandson is King Asa
(it-2 pp 286 no.9)
This covenant was made between Jehovah God and all flesh where Jehovah promised to never destroy flesh by means of a flood
The Rainbow Covenant
This illustration highlights the importance of keeping on the watch
Illustration Of 10 virgins
The astonishing miracle at jesus death signifies that the way into the Most Holy, heaven itself, is now made possible by Jesus’ death.
Ripping of temple curtain)
he and his men ate the showbread that was already removed and replaced at the tabernacle
(jy 76)
this covenant points to the King and to his co-rulers in God’s Kingdom, and it forms the legal foundation of the Kingdom of the heavens
abrahamic covenant
(w14 10/15 10)
This illustration Jesus used to highlight why his disciples will not conform to old practices of Pharisees
Illus. Of wineskins
with this miracle, Jehovah rain bread from heaven