The recently released Netflix documentary, The Malice at the Palace, tells the untold story of the well-known NBA brawl between these two teams
Pacers and Pistons
The objective of this board game is to attack and capture enemy territories to achieve global domination
This famous inventor held over 1,000 patents for his various inventions
Thomas Edison
Sharing the abbreviation DAL with Animal Crossing's Dodo Airlines is this company
This animal is depicted on the flag of California
Grizzly Bear
Thought to be the inventor of baseball, this member of the United States Army fired the first shot in defense of Fort Sumter
Abner Doubleday
In the game of Scrabble, using the letter X will earn you this many points
He invented rubber tires and shares the last name with a well-know supplier of them
Charles Goodyear
Also known as a type of bee, it's the stock symbol for this dating app
BMBL (Bumble)
There are this many elements on the Periodic Table
This MLB team is the only team to have won multiple World Series Championships in the past decade
San Francisco Giants
In the board game Mancala, you would need at least this many pieces to win the game
25 Pieces
This inventor didn't win a prize for his creation of explosive detonation or dynamite
Alfred Nobel
Petco uses this four letter stock symbol...also the sound your dog makes
This country is the closest to the North Pole
Lou Williams and Jamal Crawford
The longest game of Monopoly lasted this many days
70 Days
The invention of paper lead to Johannes Gutenberg's invention of this
Printing Press
The 22nd letter in the alphabet will help you identify this company's stock symbol
Visa (V)
The deepest point in the ocean is referred to as this
Challenger Deep
Tom Brady and this former NFL quarterback are the only two players to have won the Super Bowl in their first year as starters
Kurt Warner
Cavity Same
He might not have made a lot of money from it, but he did coin a few terms with his invention of the first ever battery
Ben Franklin
This Pixar character shares his name with the stock symbol for this food delivery company
Machu Picchu is located in this country