motivates us to make disciples.
What is love?
The best way to keep a skunk from smelling.
What is hold its nose.
History confirms that _____________and his army conquered the city of Babylon in 539BCE.
Who is Cyrus? Isaiah 44:28.
"The Bible is a book of myths and legends."
What is false?
If you feed me, I live. If you water me, I die.
What is fire?
two fold assignment.
What is preaching and teaching?
At the end of a rainbow.
What is W?
Today, Babylon lies in ______________.
What is ruin? Isaiah 13:19, 20.
the Bible is a book of facts.
What is true?
4 letter word that can be written forward, backward or upside down, and can still be read from left to right.
What is, "NOON"?
Video to introduce study book,"Enjoy Life Forever".
What is Welcome to your Bible Study?
Taste better than it smells.
What is your tongue?
the Bible refers to our time as "the last ________".
What is last days. 2 Timothy 3:1.
the Bible promises that humans will be able to enjoy life forever in Paradise on earth.
What is true? Psalms 37:29.
You can drop a glass and not spill any water.
What is, yes, "If the glass is full of milk"?
The Apostle Paul likened the work of disciple making to _________________.
What is cultivating a crop? 1 Corinthians are God's field under cultivation.
It runs around the whole yard without moving.
What is a fence?
The earth is suspended upon ________________.
What is nothing? Job 26:7.
Everyone will see dead loved ones resurrected, brought back to life on earth.
What is true? John 5:28, 29.
Has a neck but no head.
What is a shirt?
Principal study publication.
Begins with an "e" and ends with an "e" but only has one letter.
What is an envelope?
the Bible describes earth's ____________cycle.
What is water cycle. Job 36:27, 28.
Like farming, making disciples requires patience.
What is, "yes"? James 5:7, 8.Be patient ...! The farmer keeps waiting for the precious fruit of the earth, exercising patience over it until the early rain and the late rain arrive. 8. You too exercise patience;
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