Famous Quotes
US States
Four Letter Words
Tastes Like Chicken
Talking Politics

Known for his Gettysburg address, this president started the USDA to “help American farmers and ranchers access the latest technology and adapt to a changing economic and environmental landscape”

Who is Abraham Lincoln?


Known for the breed of cattle, this state is the nation's leading beef producer.

What is Texas?


The opposite of FALSE, farmers deserve a #FairShake!

What is TRUE?


The average American consumes about 90 pounds of this each year – more than double the amount we ate 40 years ago.

What is chicken?


 In addition to the White House, we need this branch of government that writes the laws to support competition in agriculture

What is the US Congress or Legislative Branch?


It’s time to tell the truth about how farmers are being hurt by unfair poultry contracts. Famous for his kite experiment, this founding father and drafter of the Declaration of Independence said “Honesty is the best policy”

Who is Benjamin Franklin?


Americans consume more chicken than anyone else in the world. Commonly known for this President and peanuts, this is the leading chicken producing state in the US.

What is Georgia?


Almost 70% of crops grown in the US don't go to feeding humans. While you may enjoy buttering this aMAZEing food over the summer, most of this crop goes toward animal feed.

What is CORN?


Often found in Cajun cuisine, choice cuts from this reptile include meat from the animal's tail and backbone.

What is alligator or crocodile?


This current Secretary of Agriculture is working to break down concentration and promote competition in agriculture. 

Who is Tom Vilsack?


A gesture that represents the reaching of a deal or agreement with another person. Over forty organizations joined together for a Week of Action to Demand Farmers get a Fair one of these.

What is a shake?


While the top 3 companies control almost 90% of the broiler market, the biggest company is Tyson, headquartered in this southern state whose former governor became the 42nd President.

What is Arkansas?


Made by banks, farmers need these to operate. An inability to pay one back puts many farmers in bankruptcy.  

What is a LOAN?


Also known as vital wheat gluten, this popular “devilish sounding” ingredient is often found in chicken alternatives.

What is seitan?


This US President, also the oldest President-elect at his inauguration, has promised to reduce concentration in agriculture through his antitrust Executive Order, “Promoting Competition in the American Economy".

Who is Joe Biden?


This Farm Aid 2021 keynote speaker said he “wants to level the playing field between farmer producers and corporations.”

Who is Secretary of Agriculture, Tom Vilsack?


The top 5 broiler producing states are: Georgia, Arkansas, Alabama, North Carolina and this state, known for being difficult to spell and its mud pies.

What is Mississippi?


The average poultry farm costs over a million dollars to build today. Most farmers take out loans to cover this expense. Because of unfair contracts, farmers get trapped in a cycle that some call a treadmill of this.

What is DEBT?


This mushroom, named after a female chicken, surprisingly tastes like its namesake.

What is Hen of the Woods?


Known as “The People’s Department” this federal agency was established over 150 years ago.

What is USDA or the US Department of Agriculture?


This poultry farmer whistleblower is refusing to be silenced after his contract was terminated in retaliation for letting people see what chicken farming was really like. In his new petition to Congress, he says this: "When companies have this much power, they can cut corners and bend the rules in their favor, even at the expense of farmers, rural communities, workers, our environment, and consumers."

Who is Rudy Howell?
Click here to sign his petition:


Or visit www.foodwhistleblower.org for more info.


The southeastern state that poultry farmer whistleblower Rudy Howell comes from, also known for tar heels and a particular shade of blue. 

What is North Carolina?


This is the acronym for a modern "barn" that holds tens of thousands of animals in confined conditions. The presence of these facilities in communities is associated with higher health risks such as respiratory issues from air pollution.

What is a CAFO?


Earlier this year, KFC announced it would start selling “faux chicken strips” made by this manufacturer. It’s not impossible, but some say it tastes  _______ expectations!

What is Beyond?


This organization helps whistleblower farmers fight back against Corporate Power and Corruption in the courts of law and on Capitol Hill. Hint: Its initials are FIC

What is the Food Integrity Campaign? (www.foodwhistleblower.org)
