Bizarre Moments in History
American History
Ancient Mediterranean History
East Asian History
Mystery Category

Was Cleopatra an Egyptian or a Greek? 

She was a Greek. She was a descendant of Alexander the Great's Macedonian General Ptolemy. 


What was the first permanent English settlement in America? 

Jamestown, founded in 1607. 


Who was Alexander the Greats Father? 

Phillip II of Macedon


Who was the founder of the Xia Dynasty? 

Yu the Great. 


Which U.S. President was a licensed bartender? 

President Abraham Lincoln. Besides being a wrestling champ, Lincoln was also a licensed bartender. In 1833, the 16th president opened up a bar called Berry and Lincoln with his friend William F. Berry in New Salem, Illinois.


Which 13th Century Pope declared war on cats?

Pope Gregory IV. He said that black cats were the instruments of Satan and called for the extermination of these felines throughout Europe. 


Which President was the first to live in the White House? 

President John Adams. It wasn't until John Adams took office that a president lived there. 


Who was noted as the first Holy Roman Emperor? 

Charlemagne or Charles the Great


What city in China has the largest population? 

Shanghai, China. 

True or False. Chinese people were the first people to use the chopsticks? 

True, they used chopsticks for more than 4,000 years. 


What famous man in history was attacked by a horde of bunnies? 



What is Nullification? 

The idea of a state declaring a federal law illegal. 


What was the name of the first ecumenical council of the catholic church? 

The Council of Nicaea. 

What are the three most popular Chinese religions? 

Buddhism, Daoism and Confucianism. 


Where was the bicycle first created? 

Germany in 1817. 


Which President was known for being a great Musician? 

The 37th President, Richard Nixon. He was a great Musician and played five instruments in total: piano, saxophone, clarinet, accordion, and violin. 


What was the Monroe Doctrine? 

The Monroe Doctrine was a foreign policy statement delivered by President James Monroe stating that the U.S. would not interfere in European affairs and that the western hemisphere was closed to colonization or interference by European nations. 


Who was the leader who started the Persian Empire? 

Cyrus the Great. (circa 600-529 BC)


During which dynasty was the Great Wall of Chine built during? 

The Chang Dynasty. 


What day is the real American Independence Day? 

July 2nd. It is actually July 2nd because this is when the Second Continental Congress in Philadelphia actually voted to approve a resolution of independence. July 4th, though, is when the Congress adopted the official Declaration of Independence, and most didn't even sign that until August.


Which U.S. President was declared to be a famous wrestling champion? 

President Abraham Lincoln. Abraham Lincoln was declared a wrestling champion. The 6'4" president had only one loss among his around 300 contests. He earned a reputation for this in New Salem, Illinois, as an elite fighter. Eventually, he earned his county's wrestling championship.


Who were the General and President of the Confederate army during the Civil War? 

President: Jefferson Davis

General: Robert E. Lee


Which empire ended the Byzantine Empire with the conquest of Constantinople in 1453? 

The Ottoman Empire.


What was the name of the first known Chinese calendar?

The Oracle Bone Calendar. 


Was Thomas Edison the first person to create the light bulb? 

No. While Edison did have an astonishing 1,093 patents, the majority of these were not of his own invention. He stole most of them. While he did land the patent for the light bulb in 1880, the real inventor was actually Warren de la Rue, a British astronomer and chemist, who actually created the very first light bulb forty years before Edison.
