How many calories does each gram of protein provide?

4 Calories!


True or False? Foods that contain carbohydrates should be avoided.

False - Carbohydrates are the body’s main source of energy. Many nutritious foods are sources of carbohydrate, including fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. These foods provide vitamins, minerals and dietary fiber, which can positively affect our health. 


What type of fruit is a great source of Vitamin C? 

Citrus Fruits - oranges, lemons, grapefruit, orange juice


True or False? A vegetarian diet can provide the recommended amount of protein for people of all ages

True - A vegetarian eating style can meet nutrient needs, including protein, for infants to older adults, if it’s well planned and includes a variety of foods. 


How many types of fats are there and what are their names?

3 total - Unsaturated fats, saturated fats, and trans fats


What is the function of protein?

Used for growth, build and repair body tissues. Regulates body processes and to supply energy. Forms parts of every cell in your body, makes up 50% of body weight, maintain strength.


What are the two types of carbohydrates?

Simple and Complex Carbs


What is the function of vitamins in the human body?

Helps the body unleash energy stored in carbs, proteins, and fats.


True or False? Three servings from the Dairy Group are recommended daily for adolescents and adults 

True! For both males and females ages 9 and older, 3 cups (or cup equivalents) of low-fat or fat-free dairy products, such as milk, cheese, yogurt, or calcium-fortified soymilk are recommended per day. These foods and beverages provide important nutrients, like calcium and vitamin D. 


True or False? All types of dietary fat are the same 

False - Healthier types of fat come from plant-based sources, such as vegetable oils and nuts. Fish, like salmon, also contain heart healthy forms of fat. Saturated fats and trans fats may increase the risk of heart disease, so it is recommended that these types of fat be limited. You can do this by choosing lean cuts of meat, skinless poultry and low fat or fat-free dairy products and by reviewing the Nutrition Facts Label. 


Please give three examples of protein sources

  • lean meats – beef, lamb, veal, pork, kangaroo.
  • poultry – chicken, turkey, duck, emu, goose, bush birds.
  • fish and seafood – fish, prawns, crab, lobster, mussels, oysters, scallops, clams.
  • eggs.
  • dairy products – milk, yoghurt (especially Greek yoghurt), cheese (especially cottage cheese)

Give an example of a simple AND a complex carb

Complex carbohydrates are found in foods such as peas, beans, whole grains, and vegetables 

Simple carbohydrates are found naturally in foods such as fruits, milk, and milk products. They are also found in processed and refined sugars such as candy, table sugar, syrups, and soft drinks.


What are the two types of vitamins? What is the difference between the two?

Fat-Soluble: dissolves in fat and can be stored in the body.

Water-Soluble: dissolves in water and cannot be stored by the body.


What is metabolism? 

It is the process your body uses to break down food into energy


True or False? Unsaturated fat is solid at room temperature

False! Saturated fat is solid at room temperature. Unsaturated fat is liquid at room temperature


What are the two types of proteins AND  give an example for each

  • Complete protein: contains all of essential amino acids (building blocks that make up proteins). Ex: meat, fish, poultry, milk, yogurt, eggs, and soybeans.

    • Body needs 20 amino acids to function properly. Body produces only 11, while 9 is from food we eat

  • Incomplete protein: does not contain all of essential amino acids. Ex: grains (whole, pastas), legumes (dried beans, peas, lentils), nuts and seeds.


True or False? Excess carbs are stored as protein

FALSE! Excess carbs are stored as fat


True or false? Sunlight is a source of Vitamin D

True! When your skin is exposed to sunlight, it makes vitamin D from cholesterol. The sun's ultraviolet B (UVB) rays hit cholesterol in the skin cells, providing the energy for vitamin D synthesis to occur. 


What types of diets can be bad for you?

Can Diets Be Unhealthy? Everyone needs enough calories to keep their bodies running well. Any diet on which you don't eat enough calories and important nutrients can be harmful. Extreme low-fat diets also can be bad for you.


What are the two types of unsaturated fat? 

Monounsaturated fat and Polyunsaturated fat


How many amino acids are there in protein? How many are essential? Why are they called essential?

22 amino acids total - 9 are essential - they are essential because they cannot be produced in the body but are necessary for essential bodily functions -tissue growth, energy production, immune function and nutrient absorption 


What chemical are simple and complex carbs turned into when digested in the body?

Both simple and complex carbohydrates are turned to GLUCOSE (blood sugar) in the body and are used as energy. Glucose is used in the cells of the body and in the brain.


Name the four main fat soluble vitamins

A - good for skin and hair, bone and tooth formation, helps people see in dim light (carotene)

D - helps maintain heart action and nervous system function, aids in bone and tooth formation

E - protects blood cells, body tissue, and essential fatty acids

 K - essential for blood clotting functions


What are the six classes of nutrients? 

Carbs - fats - proteins - vitamins - minerals - water


Give an example of a saturated and unsaturated fat and explain how you know they are that type of fat

Saturated Fats: butter, ghee, suet, lard, coconut oil and palm oil, cakes, biscuits, fatty cuts of meat, sausages, bacon, cured meats like salami, chorizo and pancetta, cheese.

Unsaturated Fats: 

  • Monounsaturated fat. This is found in olive, canola, peanut, sunflower and safflower oils, and in avocados, peanut butter and most nuts. It's also are part of most animal fats such as fats from chicken, pork and beef.
  • Polyunsaturated fat. This is found in sunflower, corn, soybean and cottonseed oils.