Where/how should you line up when waiting for me to open the door.
On the right side of the ramp in a single file line.
What should you do when you enter class?
Grab my journal and writing folder
True or False: You can raise your hand to ask a question about anything.
FALSE, you should ask yourself if the question is on topic.
When you need to sharpen your pencil, get a tissue, or throw something away you should
get up quietly and do so.
You should pack up when
I instruct you to
What should you do when you enter the classroom?
Read the screen and retrieve materials.
Where can you find pencils if you need one?
When are you NOT allowed to go to the bathroom
During the first 10 minutes or the last 10 minutes.
Individual work time means
working quietly on my assignment
When packing up you should check the floor for
your belongings and any trash
When should you sharpen your pencils?
True or False: When you use classroom materials like pencils, pens, or glue sticks. You are allowed to keep them.
FALSE. You should return the materials to the student center so that all students have access to materials.
True or False: you should raise your and and ask if you can go to the bathroom.
FALSE: You should hold up the restroom sign.
When working individually if you have a question you should
raise your hand and wait for the teacher to come to you or call on you
False, journals and folders must be put up neatly in order to leave.
What should you be doing when class starts?
True or False: You should not get up to sharpen your pencil during when working on individual work.
FALSE you may get up quietly to sharpen your pencils.
True or False: If I am teaching you should raise your hand before getting up.
True or False: you are allowed to use your phone during individual work time.
FALSE, no cell phones allowed at any time unless I say otherwise.
You should return borrowed materials like pencils to
the student center in the pencil cup.
Where can you find the agenda for the day?
On the board.
Your writing folder and journal should remain in
the classroom.
You should do the quiet signal so that
I know you are with me.
You may leave class when after we
Say our send off.