With ________of Faith!
What is eyes?
In the beginning ____created the heavens and the earth. Genesis 1:1
What is God?
So he summoned his __disciples. Matt. 10:1.
What is 12?
I go all around the world, but never leave the corner.
What is a stamp?
I lose my head in the morning and regain it at night.
What is a pillow?
Safeguard your ______________.
What is mind?
Do not worry About ____.Matt. 6:34.
What is tomorrow?
Fourth Book of the Hebrew Scriptures.
What is Numbers?
Has two banks but no money.
What is a river bank.
The end of everything.
What is the letter G.
Just a _______________.
What is smile?
Seek first the _____________Matthew 6:33.
What is Kingdom?
At the mouth of ____ or three witnesses every matter may be established. Matt. 18:15.
What is two?
A child can make it but no one can ever see.
What is noise?
I can be broken without being held.
What is a promise?
Run the ______________.
What is race?
I am the Way and the Truth and the _________John 14:6
What is life?
the rain poured down on the earth for _____ days and nights. Genesis 7:12
What is 40?
I have hands and a face but cannot hold anything or smile.
What is the clock?
The Bethelites are storing up millions of umbrellas.
What is the 1,000 year reign (rain).
Just like a ____________.
What is child?
In the Beginning Was the _________John 1:1.
What is word?
One day is with Jehovah as ______years.2 Peter 3:8
What is 1,000?
I have keys but can not open a single lock.
What is a piano?
A three letter word that begins and ends with an E.
What is Eye?