New Born A.P.G.A.R.
New Born Breastfeeding
Postpartum Mental Health
Postpartum Hemorrhage
Mother and Baby Medications

Is an APGAR score only done at 1 and 5 minutes?

yes, however if the score is low enough on the second time a third check may be performed.


How do you elicit the “suckling reflex”?

Put pinky at roof of babies mouth and the infant should start to suckle on finger


What is the priority difference between postpartum baby blues and postpartum depression?

PPD can appear any time after birth to several months after.

PPB  happens for a few hours a day and should be gone within 2 weeks after delivery. 


What is the relationship between uterine atony and postpartum hemorrhaging?

uterine atony does not allow the uterus to contract following a delivery; this allows the blood vessels to bleed freely and leads to hemorrhage


What is the name of the baby eye medication given after birth?

erythromycin eye ointment


True or False: You must check a baby’s APGAR score 4 times for it to be considered passing.  



What factors in breast milk help prevent infection in the newborn?  

breast milk contains moms antibodies


Name 5 signs and symptoms of Postpartum Depression.

aggression, hopelessness, extreme stress, feelings of guilt, insomnia, fear, panic attack, mood swings, weight gain or loss, crying, loss of appetite, and even feelings of detachment.


What complications might occur when giving a patient with postpartum hemorrhage an overload of packed red blood cells transfusions?

difficulty breathing and/or abrupt drop in BP


When do you administer Hep B immunoglobulin?

to the infant within 12 hours of  birth


What would a newborn baby demonstrate if they received a score of one in the “Activity” category?

very little movement sound or reactions


How should a mother “break” the suction of the baby when finished breastfeeding?

place clean finger in the babies mouth and around a corner and press down on the breast until they unlatch 


What are some risk factors for postpartum depression?

-a personal or family history of depression 

-long and/or difficult pregnancy

-current or past problems with partner

-no support system

-financial problems

-unplanned pregnancy

-Even women with no risk factors can experience PPD


What are the four T's of PPH?

Tone, Trauma, Tissue, and thrombosis


What is the first line medication for a patient with uterine atony? 



True or False: A newborn with an APGAR score below or equal to 6 at 5 minutes is at risk for neonatal hypoglycemia.



What benefits from breastfeeding appear later in childhood or adult life?

Decreased rate of celiac disease, inflammatory bowl disease, HTN, Hypercholesterolemia, and is a preventative measure in childhood obesity as well as boosting the immune system and giving faster growth.


What is postpartum psychosis and who is more commonly known to have this?

Mothers have PPD and added delusions, they may want to harm themselves or the baby 

It is most common in primipara mothers and with mothers who have had previous psychotic episodes but can still occur to anyone regardless of mental history. 


What initial assessments are done to monitor for postpartum hemorrhage?

official assessment for overdistended uterus, oversaturated lochia pads, and open laceration and or episiotomy 


Why might a nurse be given a physician order to administer a Rhogam shot to a mother     during pregnancy?

if the mother is rh negative and the infant is rh positive


What does a score of 4-7 points signify?

moderate difficulty adjusting to extrauterine life


Can breastfeeding help a baby who has low glucose levels?

yes, but if the baby is not latching or getting enough milk supplements may be needed


Regarding nursing discharge education for discharge for a mother with postpartum depression, what is the reason a nurse might include anemia to be a part of the education?

There seems to be a correlation between having anemia during pregnancy and developing PPD


True or False? PPH is often defined as the loss of more than 500 ml vaginal birth or 1,000 ml c section of blood within the first 24 hours following childbirth.



What is the treatment of choice for hyperbilirubinemia?

