Pt3: IRRITATE: A pet hate is something that one finds particularly …..
Pt3: MEAN: Although advertised as a dating website, many people on Tinder only want short-term ….. relationships, perhaps only lasting one night.
Pt3: COMFORT: Giving a presentation makes me feel incredibly ….. as I hate public speaking.
Pt3: APPEAR: The sergent investigating the ….. of a young Valencian woman, have confirmed they do not expect to find her alive.
Pt3: TRUST: Teenagers are encouraged to be cautious when using social media, and to remember that many ….. individuals use it for illicit means.
Pt1: There’s a lovely lady at the bust stop who I ….. to every morning.
Chat Conversation Gossip Present
Pt1: Can the person ….. the Blue BMW parked in the delivery bay belongs, please park in a designated space.
Where Which Who Whom
Pt1: Barcelona announced they had become …… with debt levels, and would be looking for ways to consolidate the debt.
Anxious Concerned Preoccupied Worried
Pt1: Having given up social media for a month, Helen said that it had changed her …… towards it.
Approach Attitude Belief Position
Pt1: Old people are too ….. in selecting emojis, as they tend to translate words into pictures, rather than selecting one which is humorous or unexpected.
Accurate Conservative Literal Reserved
Pt4: I think using social media is a waste of time.
POINT: There ….. using social media.
is no point / in
Pt4: Francis really ought to do reduce the amount of time he spends playing Candy Crush.
TIME: It ….. down on the amount he plays Candy Crush.
is about time / Francis cut
Pt4: Donald continued to insist he had won the election, despite evidence to the contrary.
ON: Despite all the evidence, Donald ….. that he had won the election.
carried on / insisting
Pt4: Although she was nearly 40 when she gave birth, she regained her figure quickly.
DESPITE: She regained her figure quickly ….. almost 40 years of age.
Desoite having / the baby at
Pt4: Fans have expressed joy following the team´s improvement.
BETTER: The fans are happy that the team …
is / getting better
Pt2: What I find shocking is that the first thing many pepople do when they wake up is to reach ….. their phone.
Pt2: For many years it was thought that babies had to develop motor skills before being able to speak, but it ….. out that this isn’t true.
Pt2: Dating websites can be useful for those people who find it difficult to express ….. in a face-to-face conversation with a potential partner.
Pt2: Research suggests that prolonged use of social media is partly ….. blame for the decline in literacy rates in children and teenagers.
Pt2: Due to having to wake up in the middle of the night to feed her baby, Sarah now finds it difficult to get ….. to sleep if she is woken in the early hours.
Pt4: Pau Gasol being named in the NBA Hall of Fame is almost certain.
BOUND: Pau Gasol ….. in the NBA Hall of Fame.
is bound to / be named
Pt4: Phones should be turned off at all times during Class.
SWITCH: Under no …. during class.
Circumstances should phones be / switched on
Pt4: Gary was drunk he had completely forgotten meeting Mary.
RECOLLECTION: Gary had ….. he had been so drunk.
no recollection of meeting Mary / 1: as 2: because
Pt4: Lewis didn´t manage to win the 2016 F1 Drivers Championship.
IN: Lewis ….. the F1 Drivers Championship in 2016.
did not succeed in / winning
Pt4: Rafa Nadal is not very likely to become the World No.1 again before his expected retirement.
LITTLE: There is …..the world No.1 again before he retires.
Little chance of / Rafa Nadal becoming