Ethical and Legal Issues in Assessment
Assessment Standards
Intellectual Assessments
Academic Skills Assessments
Social-Emotional and Behavioral Assessments

School Psychologists are ethically obligated to receive this before establishing a psychologist-client relationship to start assessing. 

What is informed consent


The joint effort between the American Educational Research Association, APA, and the National Council on Measurement in Education produced these.

What are the Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing?

This is the most commonly used measure of intellectual ability. 

What are IQ tests?


CBA and CBM mean this.

What are curriculum-based assessment and curriculum-based measurement?


Social-emotional and behavioral assessment have less of this than intellectual and academic assessments.

What is controversy?


According to IDEIA Regulations, assessments are to be administered in accordance with any instructions provided by these people. 

Who are the producers?


The extent to which the measure is CONSISTENT refers to this.

What is reliabilty?


The most familiar intelligence scale is this. 

What is the Weschler Intelligence Scale for Children or WISC-IV?


All of the most common academic measures include subtests to evaluate achievement abilities such as these four areas. 

What are reading, math, written language, and oral language?


Projective assessment techniques are founded on the assumption that when the child is presented with an ambiguous stimuli they will project these onto that stimuli. 

What are feelings, thoughts, and emotional conflicts?


IDEIA regulations state that if appropriate, a child will be assessed in all areas relating to the suspected disability including health, vision, hearing, social-emotional status, and these other four areas. 

What are general intelligence, academic performance, communication status, and motor abilities?


The extent to which a test measures what it should measure refers to this. 

What is validity?


It's authors say that it is more culturally fair than other traditional measures.

What is the Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children or K-ABC-II?


Within the RTI model, CBM does frequent progress monitoring on individualized goals for this tier.

What is tier III?


This type of behavior rating scale measures a variety of domains that also includes subscales for both the internalizing and externalizing problems.

What is a broad band measure?

Bonus 100: What does a narrow band measure assess?


Based off of the Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing, the testing environment should be this. 

What is reasonably comfortable and have minimal distractions?


These are the three main forms of validity.

What are content, criterion, and construct?

Bonus 100: Give an example or definition for each. 


These are the 5 composite scores from the Stanford-Binet scale. 

What are fluid reasoning, knowledge, quantitative reasoning, visual spatial processing, and working memory?


For CBM in an RTI model, strategic monitoring on a monthly basis is used for this tier. 

What is tier II?


Shapiro and Heick found that this amount of school psychologists regularly use interviews with parents and teachers of children that are referred.

What is one-third?


The five ethical-legal concerns for psychoeducational evaluations are these. 

What are multifaceted, comprehensive, fair, valid, and useful. 

Bonus 300: Give an example or definition for each.


These two classifications sum up criterion validity. 

What are concurrent and predictive validity?

Bonus 100: Give an example or definition for both. 


WJ-III-COG stands for this. 

What is the Woodcock-Johnson Tests of Cognitive Abilities?


DIBELS stands for this. 

What is Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills?


Steege and Watson outlined these three form of FBA.

What are indirect, direct descriptive, and functional behavioral analysis?

Bonus 300:Describe each of the forms.
