build a pizza
Being a respectful learner
Being assertive
Self talk
Planning to learn


Define being a respectful learner: 

What is thinking of others feelings while staying focused on learning. 


Define being assertive:

What is speaking up to try to get what you need. 


Define self talk:

What is- messages you tell yourself 


Define planning to learn:

What is: recognizing I am in charge of my learning and taking steps to do the best I can




Some respectful learning skills are: 

waiting your turn, listening to others, asking questions, thinking it through


Some skills you might need to act assertively are:

What is, thinking about what I need, thinking about the feelings of others, using a firm and clear voice


Some skills us need to use self talk to make your day better:

What are: ex.- noticing when you are using negative self talk, use honest and constructive self talk, use self talk more often


Some skills you might use planning to learn are:

What is: thinking about similar things I have done before and using those lessons to help me make choices, setting a goal for myself that has small steps within it, imagining what a situation might be like and what I would do based on different circumstances. 




Tell a short story of someone being a respectful learner

What is: example- when I listen to someone explain their idea


Tell a short story of someone being assertive:

What is: example- when Jenna sees a friend doing the wrong thing and tells them she won't participate. 


Tell a short story about using self talk to make your day better

What is: ex.- Monday morning when I have a hard time waking up I remind myself that going to school is something that I do to make my life better and that I can do hard things when I try.


Tell a short story about a planning to learn:

What is: ex.- Friday my teacher told us there would be a new student arriving Monday. He told us the new student only speaks Norwegian. I really wanted to make the new student feel comfortable so I thought of ways I could make them feel welcome that they could understand. 




True or false: After talking for awhile, Ms. Martin asks for any questions. Kian didn't understand part of what Ms. Martin says so he raises his hand and asks. 

What is true?


Ariel is very hungry at lunch so takes Daphne's sandwich. True or false, Ariel is being assertive. 

What is false? Ariel is trying to get what she needs but she's doing it in a way that takes away what someone else needs. 


When Mercedes faces a challenge she reminds herself of all the times she has made a mistake and decides to not challenge herself. This is an example of positive self talk.

What is false. It would be fine if Mercedes thought about mistakes to plan how to do better but not just to give up. 


Amillia really wanted to come to school with fancy hair dos but her parents don't always have time to do it for her in the morning. So she set a goal for herself to learn 3 new types of braids. She decided she would watch youtube videos everyday, practice on her own hair, and ask her Mom if she could practice on her hair. 

What is true. Amilla set a goal for herself and discovered ways to reach it. 


Effective ways you can teach someone else to be a more respectful learner are:

Not effective ways are: 

What is, by showing them how to do it, talking to them about it, encouraging them to keep trying. 

What is, telling them to stop sharing their ideas


Effective ways you can teach someone else to be more assertive are:

Not effective ways are:  

What is- ex. encouraging them to speak up, listening when they do talk, show them how you do it

What is yelling at them for being quiet.


Effective ways you can teach someone else to use self talk are:

Not effective ways are:  

What is: make your own self talk out loud so others can see how it's done, ask a person what they are thinking in a situation and help them see it in a new way.

What is: don't tell them they are silly or alone in using self talk


Effective ways you can teach someone else to plan to learn are:

Not effective ways are:  

What is: ex.- show them how you do it, help them create steps for reaching their goal, 

What is: ex.- telling them what their goals should be, telling them how to do it
