Peer Pressure
Social Skills
Social Skills at School
Coping Skills

Give an example of negative peer pressure

answers vary 


What can you say to somebody new?

Hi! My name is ____. What's your name?


How often should you put on deoderant


Why is it important to turn your homework in on time? 

So that I don't get behind and fail


Name 1 coping skill

answers vary


Give an example of positive peer pressure

answers vary


It's time to end a conversation. What could you say?

It was great talking to you! I have to leave now. Bye! (answers vary)


How often should you brush your teeth?

Twice a day


You lost your homework assignment and its due tomorrow. What can you do?

Ask a friend, email the teacher


What is the purpose of coping skills?

To help you feel calm, not get mad, or feel better when you're upset or sad


A friend asks you to put their vape pen in your backpack at lunch because they forgot to put leave it in the car. What should you do?

Politely tell them no, this could get you in trouble


How can you tell a person is bored with a conversation?

Looking away, trying to interrupt, not answering, rolling eyes


It doesn't bother you that you smell because you haven't showered in a while. Why would it bother others? How would they react to you?

People do not like the smell of body odor. They will probably avoid you


You're in class and a cockroach crawls across your desk. True or false- its okay to run screaming from the room. 

False. It might be okay to stand up, but you're better off knocking to the floor and ignoring it. 


Your PS4 game will not load. You are frustrated! What coping skill could you use in this situation?

answers vary


The kids on the bus are listening to loud music, and dancing in aisles. You know this is wrong, but it looks like so much fun. They keep telling you to join. What could you do? What kind of peer pressure is this?

This is negative peer pressure. This could get you in trouble. You could make an excuse like "I don't feel like it right now." 

You're walking out of a store and you see a woman pushing a baby stroller and carrying bags walking out at the same time as you. What could you do? Depending on your answer how do you think she'll feel?

Hold the door she'd appreciate the help! 

Don't hold the door and she may feel bad


You haven't brushed your teeth in days. Now you have chunks of food stuck in your teeth and gums. Somebody points out that you have something stuck there. What should you do?

Thank them and brush your teeth!


The best way to make new friends at school is by being really loud, making lots of jokes, and being silly so that everyone notices you. True or false. Are there any other ways to make friends?

False. This could get you in trouble and other people may not want to hang out with you. You could try to get to know other people by asking them questions about their interests, find out what you have in common. 


You didn't turn in your homework. Mom says no electronics tonight. This makes you angry. What can you do?

Use a coping skill- it's only for one night!


Some friends invite you to a party, but your mom says no. They tell you to just sneak out, they'll pick you up and take you, and thats what the cool kids do. What kind of peer pressure is this? What can you do?

This is negative peer pressure. You can politely decline. 


Mom has been sick and she asks you to do extra chores that you don't normally do. What should you do? 

Do them! She could use the help. 


Mom says its time to get your haircut. You haven't washed it in days. You figure the stylist will wash it for you so you don't need to worry about washing it before you go. True or fals

False- yes a stylist may wash your hair, but they don't want to touch greasy, dirty hair!


You didn't understand your biology assignments. So, you just stop doing them. Now you're super far behind. What can you do? What could you have done instead of stopping doing the work?

Talk to the teacher, a parent, or a school counselor and make a plan to get caught up or get extra help. 

Talked to someone as soon as it became a problem so that a small problem didn't become a big problem. 


Dad won't let you download an app on your phone. You think he's being unreasonable. What can you say? What coping skill can you use?

Coping skills vary. If dad said no, you'll have to accept this
