There are this many number of MoonCat poses
What are 4 poses?
Polygon uses the matic token for transaction fees on a secondary chain. these secondary chains have this name.
What is a Sidechain?
On Crypto Twitter there is a popular phrase; "Pump it ______"
Who is Loomdart?
Ethereum is switching to Proof of Stake, but is currently using this consensus mechanism
What is Proof of Work?
This is the largest NFT Platform
What is Opensea?
This was the creators/development team of MoonCats.
What is/Who are Ponderware?
This technology is seen as Bitcoin's primary scaling solution.
What is Lightning Network?
Twitter found out that Cozomo Medici, the NFT conoisuoir, was this celebrity.
Who is Snoop Dogg?
Ethereum allows users to access financial applications built on smart contracts. This new open financial sector has this name.
What is DeFi/Decentralized Finance?
The initial creation of an NFT is referred to this
What is Minting/Mint?
These rare MoonCats come in two color varieties, White and Black.
What are Genesis Cats?
Data that is not stored on a blockchain is generally referred to being located here.
What is Off-Chain?
He claims to have invented Bitcoin, but watch out, he'll sue ya!
Who is Craig Wright?
This proposal was the catalyst for Ethereum earning the title of "UltraSound Money"
What is EIP-1559?
Opensea allows users to transact on this popular Ethereum sidechain.
What is Polygon/Matic?
Mooncats existed before the current NFT standard was released. In order to use features such as the boutique, the Cats had to be _____ , a synonym of Adapted or Accustomed.
What is Acclimated?
This privacy tech refers to a proof construction where one can prove possession of certain information, e.g. a secret key, without revealing that information, and without any interaction between the prover and verifier.
What are ZKSnarks?
Crypto Twitter created a new wave of shoutout memes by hiring these characters on the Cameo app.
who are "The Island Boys"?
These 2017 NFTs were the first and most popular PFP (profile pic) collection.
What are CryptoPunks?
Inspired by the popular NFT game Loot, Ponderware released these for free if you own MoonCats that had been Acclimated.
What are Lootprints?
Polygon, Arbitrum, and this are the top three Ethereum scaling solution.
What is Optimism?
This character was seen kicking in air with the caption:
"fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times"
Who is Kevin Pham?
This process describes an ethereum upgrade that combines the beacon chain and the Eth1 chain, and is often depicted with a Panda.
What is the Merge?
This is the name of the concept that occurs when collectors are battling it out to mint an NFT in the next block
What are Gas Wars?