"It's two o'clock" in French?
What is "Il est deux heures."
What is "Il est treize heures"?
I have in French
What is "J'ai"?
French - in French
What is "le francais"?
Thurdsay - in French
What is "jeudi"?
It's three fifteen in the afternoon.
What is "Il est trois heures et quart de l'apres-midi"
What is "Il est quatorze heures vingt-cinq"?
You have (casual singular) in French
What is "Tu as"?
English - in French
What is "l'anglais"?
Friday - in French
What is "vendredi"?
It's five thirty in the evening.
What is "Il est cinq heures et demie du soir"?
What is "Il est dix-sept heures dix-huit"?
You have (plural formal) in French
What is "Vous avez"?
Chemistry - in French
What is "la chimie"?
Saturday - in French
What is "samedi"?
It's noon.
What is "Il est midi"?
What is "Il est neuf heures trente"?
We have in French
What is "Nous avons"?
Biology - in French
What is "la biologie"?
What time is it? - in French
What is "Quelle heure est-il?"
It's quarter to eight in the morning.
What is "Il est huit heures moins le quart du matin"?
What is "Il est vingt trois heures quarante"?
They (masculine) have in French
What is "Ils ont"?
German - in French
What is "l'allemand"?
What class do you have? in French
What is "Quel cours est-ce que tu as?" or "Qu'est-ce que tu as comme cours?"