Who is the QEM Delegate?
Todd Roy
What is the Organization Chart?
Do you have a copy of your job description?
Yes I have a signed copy (show proof)
What are the 3 methods of training?
Face to face, Web Based, and Ebreeze
What is the name of the plan we have for power outages / severe weather / other unusual incidents if the office closes?
Business Continuity Management Plan (BCMP)
What are the 4 Pillars of Sustainability?
Social (Commitment to the local community)
Where can you find people located in other HPL offices?
Go into HIP
Click on Who is Who tab
Click on Organization Charts
Can you briefly describe your job description?
Primary responsibility is collecting on past due aged invoices, researching misapplied/missing payments, creating disputes for incorrect invoices
How do you know if you have mandatory trainings pending?
Go to HIP/Learn/Training Views
Where would you find the QEM manual?
Go to HIP/Select Manuals/Click on drop down and select Quality/Select Quality & Environment Management Manual. Preamble would be A 2.1 and Processes is A 2.2
What is the standard for the structure of Hapag Lloyd called?
What systems/programs do you use to perform your daily job tasks?
SAP, FIS, Qlikview, Outlook, Excel (give brief explanation of what you do in each system/program)
What is the percentage target for all web based training?
Where are the fire extinguishers located?
In the breakroom and on the walls notated by the fire extinguisher stickers
10 principles in the Sustainability Policy?
1.Code of ethics guides our corporate philosophy and conduct standards
2.Commitment to all relevant laws and regulations
3.Monitoring of quality and environmental targets
4.Customers are our partners
5.Excellently trained employees
6.Continuous improvement
7.Avoiding mistakes
8.Avoidance of any possible pollution and accidents
9.Employees' health and safety
10.These standards also apply to sub-contractors
Organization Chart
Find yourself on the chart
How are all departments measured? What are corrective measures?
Departments are measured through KPIs (Key Performance Indicators) or ICCLS (Internal Control Check Lists)
Corrective measures are additional training, system enhancements, and catalogue maintenance
Who is the Local Training Administrator for Region North America (QSC)?
Heather Vaughn
Do you let your Manager, who has forgotten their badge, in the building?
You should not allow anyone into the building who does not have their badge. You should contact their manager to assist them with entry and a temporary badge
What are 2 targets you can influence?
Quality Target: Web Based Training
Environmental Target: Paper Consumption
Where would you find processes?
Go into HIP
Scroll down to Processes
Select HPL Standard Processes
What are other responsibilities?
Who is the Regional Local Training Adminstrator?Brumella Villarreal
What is a dawn raid and how should we respond?
A dawn raid is an official search of premises by competent authorities. We are required to allow them to enter into the building, however, they must be asked to wait in the lobby until management can be notified and further assist