This Netflix series takes place in the 80s, and has a telekinetic little girl named Eleven. (It is also Miss Anna's favorite series!)
Stranger Things
What is the chemical formula for water?
What does it mean to be a "couch potato"?
To be lazy
What is the name of the president's house in the USA?
The White House
How many Fast and Furious films are there?
What is the largest mammal on Earth?
Blue whale
What does the acronym "LOL" stand for?
Laugh out loud
Is Aquarius a water, earth, fire, or air sign?
What famous literary character was portrayed by Robert Downey Jr., Benedict Cumberbatch, and most recently, Henry Cavill?
Sherlock Holmes
What is the most abundant element in the atmosphere?
What does it mean to "dump" someone?
To end a romantic relationship with them, break up with them
What late singer was known as the king of pop?
Michael Jackson
What are the names of all 6 friends in the series Friends?
Joey, Chandler, Monica, Rachel, Phoebe, Ross
What are the three types of rocks?
Igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic
What does "take a raincheck" mean?
To postpone plans, make plans for a later date
Bump, set, and spike are the principal moves in what sport?
What movie won the first ever Oscar for Best Animated Feature? (Hint: it was in the 2000s!)
How many teeth does an adult human have?
What is a "rip-off"?
Fraud, paying money for something not worth it (in Spanish: estafa)
What was the nationality of the first Chilean president?