This field requires Ticket type and area
What is the Internal detail
This is how you can provide sentiment regarding the article helpfulness
What is the "thumbs up" icon?
This KA contains the content standard
What is KA 000015482
This field is used to record where the customer is experiencing their issue
What is Environmental Detail?
Use this character in your search term to initiate a wild card search
What is * (asterisk)
This is the process that candidates use to improve and article
What is Flag & Comment
Fill in the Blanks: Search _______, Search _______
What is early and often
Use these characters to initiate an exact character string search
What is "" (quotation marks)
This activity provides opportunities to understand your Knowledge metrics and status
Knowledge Coaching
Fill in the Blank: ________ is Review
What is Re-Use
This feature in Salesforce Knowledge Search aids in filtering search results
What is the Advanced Search link?
This metric respresents correct usage of a KA