Strengths/Limitations/ Future Research
Applied Relevance

This new-ish experience of emerging adulthood among college students - and potentially others as well - can make it a stressful and uncertain period.

What is autonomy?

(Reed et al., p. 3136)


The method of data collection (i.e., how information was gathered from the participants) in both studies.

What is an online survey or questionnaire?


A commonly found parent gender difference in the DEGREE of helicopter parenting (i.e., how much helicopter parenting is practiced).

What is mothers engage in more helicopter parenting than fathers?

(Schiffrin et al., p. 972)


The study or studies you read on helicopter parenting in which the sample was predominantly female.

What is both of them?


The phenomenon that has created increasing concern among college administrators and faculty about "helicopter parenting".

What is increasing mental health challenges (e.g., anxiety, depression, self-injury) among college students in recent years?

(Reed et al., p. 3136)


Three basic human needs, according to SDT.

What are autonomy, competence, and relatedness?

(Reed et al., p. 3137; Schiffrin et al., p. 967)


The research design used in both studies.

What is cross-sectional, or one-time correlational?


The nature of the correlation between maternal and paternal helicopter parenting.

What is significant and positive (r=.50)?

(Shiffrin et al., p. 970)


Two populations of emerging adults - other than gender-related group or a U.S. racial/ethnic group - that are NOT well represented in either study.

What are emerging adults not in college; emerging adults from countries outside the U.S.?


The reason that lower prosocial tendencies might mediate a link between helicopter parenting and emerging adult well-being.

What is that there is a positive association between prosocial behavior and well-being in emerging adults?

(Shiffrin, p. 973)


This type of parenting is theorized to provide an environment that is "autonomy-frustrating".

What is helicopter parenting?

(Reed et al., p. 3137)


The DVs for Reed et al. vs. Shiffrin et al.

What are anxiety, depression, life satisfaction, and physical health (mental & physical health) vs. empathic concern, perspective-taking, and helping others (prosocial behaviors)?


Results of Reed et al. regarding helicopter parenting are said to be consistent with research on this parenting dimension, which you first learned about very early in the term when we studied "theories of parenting" and was revisited over the course of the term.

What is psychological control?

(Reed et al., p. 3144)


A limitation AND a strength introduced by gathering all data through self-report.

What is reporter bias or inflated correlations among constructs (limitation) and self-perceptions are the most important when it comes to self-concepts (strength)?

(Reed et al., p. 3146; Schiffrin et al., p. 974)


Based on existing literature, including the two assigned articles and the literature they cite, this is the best advice for parents of emerging adults concerning how much involvement to have with their emerging adult's life and decisions.

What is "moderate"?


A belief important for motivation and persistence when faced with challenge, according to Reed et al.

What is self-efficacy?

(Reed et al., p. 3137 - "Individuals who lack self-efficacy often also lack the motivation and persistence needed to maintain healthy behaviors")


The approximate percentage of both samples that identified as white.

What is about three-quarters?


In Reed et al., the type of parenting that had some direct associations with outcomes/DVs vs. the type of parenting that had only indirect associations associations with outcomes/DVs (through what mediator)? 

What is autonomy supportive parenting vs. helicopter parenting (via self-efficacy)?

(Reed et al., p. 3142, and Figure 1)


Both Reed et al. and Shiffrin et al. hypothesize that parenting practices cause or influence emerging adult behavior and wellbeing. If one is thinking critically, one is going to be aware of these two alternative possibilities for interpreting results stemming from the research designs used in both studies.

What are (1) the possibility of third variables/confounds that were not controlled (e.g., past experiences affecting both parenting and emerging adult behavior) and (2) the possibility of reverse causation (e.g., that emerging adult behaviors elicit certain types of parenting)?


A possible reason for the different results for "competence" as a mediator in the two studies.

What is "competence" might predict mental health more strongly than it predicts prosocial behavior?


The difference between Reed et al.'s H2 and H3 stated in psychological terms (i.e., using IVs, DVs, or other related terminology).

What is "there are direct associations between parenting behaviors (IVs) and outcomes (DVs)" vs. "the association between parenting behaviors (IVs) and outcomes (DVs) is mediated by self-efficacy"?

(Reed et al., p. 3138)


An "autonomy support" scale item vs. a "helicopter parenting" scale item in Reed et al.

What is (any items from the appropriate lists in Table 2)?


An accurate and full description of the Shiffrin et al. results concerning helicopter parenting in one sentence.

What is "maternal and paternal helicopter parenting predicted lower prosocial behavior indirectly through lower psychological needs attainment"?


The reason future research on helicopter parenting, psychological need satisfaction, and prosocial behavior should distinguish between altruistic vs. public prosocial behaviors.

What is: because helicopter parenting might facilitate externally motivated prosocial behaviors more so than internally motivated (autonomous) prosocial behaviors.

(Schiffrin et al., p. 973)


The additional evidence that Judith Rich Harris would want to be convinced that parents matter during emerging adulthood.

What is ... a cross-lagged study and/or controls for genetic characteristics?
