Stop payments
Posting order

What type of transactions can we place a stop payment for? 

What is the fee for a stop payment? 

•Checks and ACH

Chase charges a $30.00 stop payment fee for each stop payment with  rep Online or  Automated Phone Stop Payment $25.00


How many times a day is the account reviewed when determining if a charge on an account will cause account to be overdrawn?

We look at your account only once each business day 


What is debit card coverage?

Allows everyday transactions to go through(paid) at Chase’s discretion when customer does not have funds available


How does over draft protection work?

transfers funds in exact increments to cover overdrawn amount of transaction

savings to checking


Can we placed a stop payment on a check when its pending?

Stop payment is no longer an option


What would post first a credit or debit card transaction?

We add your deposits to your account


If overdraft amount is ____________or if ending day balance is greater than $50, a ________ insufficient funds fee will be charged.

greater than $50 



Will ODP cause savings account to go into negatives? 

No If the funds are not available no funds will move


What would  we need  to process an Ach stop payment? 

What would  we need  to process a Check stop payment?

1.ACH amount

2.Merchant name

1.Check # 

2. Payee name and amount 



True or False: Posting may be delayed by Federal Reserve holidays.

True - Federal Reserve holidays may impact /delay posting date of transactions; transactions will remain pending during Federal Holiday


Customers  have until what time to bring the account to a zero or positive balance before a fee is assessed?

Have before 11pm EST to bring balance to $0 or positive to avoid fees


Can you received a fee on your savings account for ODP?

Yes, $5 Savings Withdrawal Limit Fee, Chase fee, applies for each withdrawal or transfer out of Chase savings account over six per monthly statement period


Can a stop payment be altered? What are the step you have to do to complete?

Stop payment can't be changed if changes need to be made you will need to do the following:

Delete existing stop payment

Place new stop payment


Will a deposit transaction post if deposited on Federal Holiday?

Transactions will remain pending during Federal Holiday.


Can customers cancel Debit Card Coverage and if so how?

Yes customer can cancel debit card coverage either online, the Chase mobile app or with a escalations rep


Can we link a business account to a consumer account for overdraft?


Consumer accounts can't be linked to a business account for overdraft protection


Can a stop payment be deleted same day it was placed and will fee still be applied?

Stop payment fee still applies


What is the correct posting order?

1st: Credits

2nd: Debits

  • Debit Reversals (e.g. merchant debit reversals, posting corrections)
    • These are credits to customer account; post highest to lowest dollar amount
  • Credit Reversals (e.g. posting corrections, returned deposited items)
    • These are debits to customer account; post highest to lowest dollar amount
  • Credits / Deposits (e.g. account transfer credits, ACH deposits, customer deposits, interest credits)
    • Post highest to lowest dollar amount
  • Time Stamped Customer Debits (e.g. account transfer debits, ACH transactions, ATM debits, checks, debit card debits, teller processed checks, online Bill Pays, Zelle, teller debits, wire debits):
    • Post earliest to latest; all time stamps in Eastern time
    • There are some instances where time of transaction is unavailable; therefore, it will post at end of day. This will happen when:
      • We are unable to show transaction as pending

        – OR –

      • We don't receive authorization request from merchant, but transaction is presented for payment
  • Batch Debits (e.g. transactions that depend on other items posting first, Overdraft Protection transfers, transfers to maintain target balances in other accounts)
    • Post highest to lowest dollar amount
  • Batch Fees (e.g. ATM fees, debit card annual fees, NSF / OD fees, stop payment fees):
    • Post highest to lowest dollar amount
    • Monthly Service Fees, if applicable, will post last regardless of dollar amount


Can frontline place debit card coverage?

No, we connect to Escalations


What happens when a customer is removed from an account they have listed for odp?

When customer is removed from account, if there's no common ownership between account customer was removed from and account providing protection, account providing protection is delinked (ODP deleted)
