Oldest city/town
San Luis
State flower
Flowering dogwood
What is a common nickname for Pennsylvania
Coal state, keystone state, oil state, Quaker state, state of independence
Madder than a wet
Washington produces the most____ out of all other states
A popular Colorado band that grew over the course in 2020; hunt you may know them from a hit song where they featured KE$HA
This holiday was first happen in Virginia
The first computer was built in Pennsylvania; what year was it built
The most haunted location, shop, and tourist attractions in the whole nation
The museum of fear and wonder
The highest point in Washington is_____
Mount Rainer
Take the year Colorado became a state 18__ and then subtract the number Colorado became a state___
Half of the ___ war was fought in Virginia
Civil war
Pennsylvania is known for the _____ capital in the US
The Chocolate Capital
What is Texas known the most for; hint what is there slogan
Everything is bigger in Texas
The sport Washington is most known for
Colorado is known for a bunch a things; like hiking, skiing, and it’s gorgeous landscapes. However is recent years what is Colorado best know for nowadays
Famous cemetery in Virginia
Arlington National Cemetery
Pennsylvania state flower
What famous carbonated drink was invented in Texas
Dr. Pepper
Washington state song
Washington, My Home
Back in February of 2019 girls were officially allowed to join the Boy Scouts. In February of 2021 the first girl in northern Colorado earned her Eagle Scout; what is the exact date she earned her Eagle Rank?
February 2, 2021
What is Virginia most famous for
Birth place of the Nation
Pennsylvania state drink
An official Texan greeting
Washington is the ___ largest state