How long is a Year Up internship?
6 months
This actor from 'Fresh Prince of Belair' began his career as a rapper
Will Smith
What is the world’s longest river called?
The Nile
The recommended number of pages for an effective resume is …
What Marvel superhero has a film opening tomorrow?
What are some of Year Up's core values? (List at least one)
• Respect and value others
• Build trust; be honest
• Engage and embrace diversity
• Be accountable
• Work hard and have fun
• Strive to learn
This artist's real name is Robyn Fenty
In Greek Mythology, who is the Queen of the Underworld and wife of Hades?
True or False: You should say something positive before you give criticism
Who plays Buddy in the movie Elf?
Will Ferrell
Name three virtual norms YearUp trainees are expected to follow
• Video must be on
• Be in professional attire for a virtual work environment
• Arrive on time
• When experiencing tech issues, please notify your PM prior to the session
• While in sessions uphold norms and core values
• Electronic devices (cell phones, tablets, etc.) must be silenced or turned off while in session
• Use breaks wisely, minimize getting up during training as much as possible
• Use your full name for zoom log-in
• Put yourself on “mute”
This artist has the best selling Christmas single of all time with over 16 million copies sold
Mariah Carey
Which planet is closest to Earth?
How often should you check your email everyday and how long should it take you to respond?
• Check your email at least 3 times a day
• Respond within 24 hours of receiving the email
Which two Marvel Avengers die in the movie Endgame?
Black Widow and Iron Man
What are some of the services YearUp offers its trainees?
• Referrals to mental health services, child care, etc.
• Professional clothing drive
• Loaner laptops
• Biweekly stipend
• Public transit vouchers
How many copies of an album do you have to sell for it to go platinum?
1 million
What is the only king in a deck of cards without a moustache?
King of Hearts
These should be prepared beforehand to demonstrate your interest in the job position
What are the names of the three ghosts visit Scrooge in the movie (and book!) A Christmas Carol.
Christmas past, Christmas present, Christmas future
What is an LC?
LC stands for learning community. Each year up class is divided into small communities and each community gets it own coach to offer guidance and support during the Year Up program.
Who was the first Hip-Hop artist to win a Pulitzer Prize?
Kendrick Lamar
What is the little dot above a lowercase "i" or "j" called?
A tittle
The page preceding your resume states specific skills that an employer is looking for that you have
Cover Letter
In the book/movie How the Grinch Stole Christmas, what is the name of the town the Grinch steals from? (Or the name of the people)
Whoville or the Whos