Star Wars is one of the most beloved franchises of all-time and features this iconic duo who have been an inseparable duo ever since they debuted in 1977. The two first met when one was freed from slavery by the other, swearing a life debt to the smuggler and evenutally becoming the co-pilot of the Millennium Falcon and a trusted companion as they explored the galaxy in search of intergalactic adventure.
Who are Hans Solo and Chewbacca?
They were always there for each other and stood for one another once they took down the Mountain Troll after their 1st year in school. They became the most famous fictional trio of the 21st century. Their book sold millions of copies, and their movie was one of the highest-earning films of all time.
Who are Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, and Ron Weasley or Harry, Hermione and Ron?
Beginning in December 2019, in the region of WuHan, China, a new virus began appearing in human beings. This new virus spreads incredibly quickly between people. Due to its newness - no one on earth has an immunity to it because no one had it until 2019. While it was initially seen to be an epidemic in China, the virus spread worldwide within months. The WHO declared it a pandemic in March 2020, and by the end of that month, the world saw more than a half-million people infected and nearly 30,000 deaths.
What is COVID-19 (Coronavirus)?
What starts with "t" ends with "t" and is filled with t?
What is a teapot?
Creeping on its belly, curled into a ring, eyes forever open, beware its lethal sting.
What is a snake?
This iconic duo could fall under the title of "bromance", but none quite defined the word as much as these two characters. Their love for each other often surpassed that of the marriage of one of them and made for some of this medical comedy drama show's funniest gags. (Show ran on NBC & ABC).
Who are JD and Turk?
The Captain, The Vulcan, the Doctor - one of science fiction's most beloved trios, they work together so well because they each represent a facet of a well-rounded person. The Captain is the heart, often acting on intuition and extreme emotion. The Vulcan is the brain, relying on logic and science. The Doctor is the conscience, reminding the other two of all of their limitations. He is the glue that binds this trio together. None of the three would have been as successful, or as beloved, on their own.
Who are Captain Kirk, Spock and Bones.
First identified in Democratic Republic of the Congo in 1976, it has truly proven itself as a global pandemic, killing more than 36 million people since 1981. Currently there are between 31 and 35 million people living with the virus, the vast majority of those are in Sub-Saharan Africa, where 5% of the population is infected, roughly 21 million people. As awareness has grown, new treatments have been developed that make the illness far more manageable, and many of those infected go on to lead productive lives.
What is HIV/AIDS?
Figure of speech containing a comparison between two things that are not alike.
What is a metaphor?
Can run but never walks
Has a mouth but never talks
Has a head but never weeps
Has a bed but never sleeps
What is a river?
In this famous road movie, this duo upends the familiar tropes of the buddy flick to tell a story of female empowerment that's still fresh and surprising thirty years later. One's goofy innocence and the other's hard-bitten wisdom combine in a flash to transform two lonely women into a raging force of nature.
Who are Thelma and Louise?
From humble beginnings as an 1844 novel by Alexandre Dumas, this trio found critical claim through its 1993 film adaptation. The novel tells the story of Athos, Porthos, and Aramis, three childhood friends, and their adult adventures. Perhaps the most well-known quote from the novel and films is the three friend's motto, "All for one and one for all!"
Who are the three Musketeers?
Between 1918 and 1920 a disturbingly deadly outbreak of this disease tore across the globe infecting over a third of the world's population and ending the lives of 20 - 50 million people. Of the 500 million people infected in the 1918 pandemic, the mortality rate was estimated at 10% - 20%, with up to 25 million deaths in the first 25 weeks alone. What separated the 1918 pandemic from other similar outbreaks was the victims; previously the disease had only killed juveniles and the elderly or already weakened patients, but in 1918 it had begun striking down hardy and completely healthy young adults, while leaving children and those with weaker immune systems still alive.
What is the Flu Pandemic (1918)?
An extended narrative poem in which characters and the action are at heroic levels.
What is an epic?
I'm a bird, I'm a fruit, and I'm a person. What am I?
What is a kiwi?
Scoff if you must at the hairy feet, the twee trappings, or the lingering looks that spawned a universe of hobbit slash. In the fantasy trilogy this duo is the epitome of a rich fictional friendship. We laugh with them, fear for them, and weep when they are driven apart. One of them starts the trilogy as a sidekick, but he ends it a hero - and, surely, the other's equal.
Who are Sam (Samwise Gamgee) and Frodo (Frodo Baggins)?
These three members of the Fellowship of the Ring are probably the most unlikely to have struck up a close friendship. The human Ranger wielding an ancient sword reforged, the elven prince with amazing archery skills and an otherworldly manner, and the dwarf with a gruff nature and bearing an ax. They are different races, they fight differently, and yet when they united against Sauron they found they had more in common than not.
Who are Aragon, Legolas, and Gimli?
The third major outbreak of this disease in the 19th century lasted from 1852 to1860. Like the first and second pandemics, the Third pandemic originated in India, spreading from the Ganges River Delta before tearing through Asia, Europe, North America and Africa and ending the lives of over a million people. British physician John Snow, while working in a poor area of London tracked cases of the disease and eventually succeeded in identifying contaminated water as the means of transmission for the disease.
What is the Cholera Pandemic or What is Cholera?
Simple machine that depends on the location of the load and the fulcrum.
What is a lever?
A little pool with 2 layers of wall around it. One wall is white and soft and the second wall is dark and hard. What am I?
What is a coconut?
If the combination of skeptic and believer feels like an archetype it's because this duo made it so. The (mostly) platonic friendship existed between 1993 and 2003 when one was sent in to debunk the other's work on The X-Files, but she grew close to her partner and came to trust him - and no one else.
Who are Scully and Mulder?
This was a spaghetti western masterpiece created by Sergio Leone in 1966. This story is about three gunmen who go on a treasure hunt during the American Civil War. It had a great star cast, Clint Eastwood, Lee Van Cleef, and Eli Wallach.
Who are the "Good", the "Bad", and the "Ugly"?
From 1346 to 1353 an outbreak of the disease ravaged Europe, Africa, and Asia, with an estimated death toll between 75 and 200 million people. Thought to have originated in Asia, it most likely jumped continents via the fleas living on the rats that so frequently lived aboard merchant ships. Ports being major urban centers at the time were the perfect breeding ground for the rats and fleas, and thus the insidious bacterium flourished, devastating three continents in its wake.
What is the Black Death or Black Plague?
First US president to be in office when there were 50 states in 1959.
Who is Dwight D Eisenhower?
What flies when its born, lies when it's alive, and runs when it's dead?
What is a snowflake?
Subtract a letter from the name of a keystroke found in computer commands and you get this violent reaction to social change.
What is Backlash (from “backslash”)?