Nature of Science
Motion & Forces
Newton's Laws
Energy, Work, Power
Simple Machines
Matter and Temperature

This is the predicted answer that is tested during a controlled experiment.

What is the hypothesis?


This type of measurement would have both magnitude and direction.

What is a vector measurement?

Vector measurements have both, but scalar have only magnitude.


This would be the net force acting on Box F.

What is 3N to the right?

*Remember that force is a vector measurement.  It includes both magnitude and direction.


This would be the point at which the rollercoaster car has the most potential energy.

What is Point A?  

*The most potential energy would be at the highest point.  As it moves downward, kinetic energy increases and potential energy decreases.


Wheels and oil can both be used in machinery to reduce this force.

What is friction?


This is the smallest amount of an element that retains all the properties of that element.

What is an atom?


This is a topic or investigation that is presented as scientific but does not actually follow the practices and attitudes necessary for a truly scientific investigation.

What is pseudoscience?


A student walked the path outlined below.  What would be her distance, and what would be her displacement?

Her distance would be 12 meters.  Her displacement would be 0 meters.

*The distance is the entire trip.  The displacement is how far you end up from the starting place.

This would be the direction in which friction would act.

What is opposite the direction of motion?


The Law of Conservation of Energy states that energy can not be created or destroyed, but this can happen.

What is that the energy can be transformed or changed from one type to another?


This would be the mechanical advantage of this pulley system.

What is 4?  

*You can count the number of ropes paths (excluding the pulling rope) to determine the mechanical advantage.  Whatever force you apply will be multiplied by 4.


This state of matter would have particles that are most closely positioned.

What is a solid?


This would be a statement that expresses a relationship between two or more variables.  For example, if you decrease the volume of a gas, the pressure will increase.

What is a scientific law?  

*Unlike a law, a scientific theory seeks to explain why something is happening.  BOTH are based on a large quantity of empirical evidence but can be changes if contradictory evidence is discovered.


These three factors would be needed to effectively give the location of an object.

What is a reference point (origin), distance, and direction?


According to Newton's first law of motion, objects in motion or at rest will change their state of motion if subjected to this type of force.

What is an unbalanced force?


A force of 8 N is used to move a 5 kg box from the floor to a shelf that is 3 meters high.  This would be the amount of work done.

What is 24 Joules?  

*Remember that work is force x distance.  The mass of the object does not need to be used for the calculation.


This would be the simple machine being used in this picture.

What is a lever?


This type of substance has only ONE type of atom.

What is an element?  Ex. Ca or O2


Celia is conducting an investigation to determine which type of fertilizer will produce the tallest sunflower plants.  This would be the dependent variable.

What is the height of the sunflower plants?

*The dependent variable is measured at the end.  The independent variable would be made different at the beginning.  (type of fertilizer)


This is the graph that shows an object moving at a constant speed.

What is graph #2?  

Graph #1 would not be moving.  Graph #3 shows an object moving and then stopping.  Graph #4 shows an object that is speeding up.


An equal force is applied to Cart A and Cart B.  Cart B accelerates more rapidly.  What does this indicate about the masses of the two carts?

What is that the mass of Cart B would be less than that of Cart A?

*According to Newton's 2nd Law of Motion, force=mass X acceleration.  If the acceleration is greater, the mass must be less, since the forces were equal.


An oven transforms electrical energy to this type.

What is heat energy or thermal energy?


Which can be changed through the use of a simple machine?  Choose all that apply.

A. direction of force

B. magnitude of force

C. amount of work completed

What is A and B?


A sample of matter that can be separated by physical means such as filtering or using a magnet would be this.

What is a mixture?


This is the type of relationship shown on the graph below.

What is an inverse relationship?  As one variable increases, the other decreases.


If Benjamin travels 1200 meters in 100 seconds, this would be his speed.

What is 12 m/s?

*Speed is calculated by dividing distance by time.


These two factors determine the amount of momentum a moving object has.

What is mass and speed?


These two changes would increase the gravitational attraction between two objects.

What is increasing the mass and decreasing the distance?


What effort would need to be applied to lift this 300 N weight?

What is 100 N?  The mechanical advantage would multiply that by 3.

Adding thermal energy to matter will change the movement of the particles in this way.

What is speeding up and spreading out?


A marble was placed in a graduated cylinder to determine its volume in mL.  (See below.)  The marble has a mass of 100g.  What would the density of the marble be?

What is 4g/mL?  

*The water level rose from 40mL to 65mL, so the marble has a volume of 25mL.  Density is calculated by dividing mass by volume.  100/25=4


When riding on the ride pictured below, this would be the direction of centripetal force.

The direction of the force is toward the center.

*When objects travel in a circular path, a force is exerted toward the center which keeps them "in orbit."


Consider the interaction between a male and female figure skater in pair figure skating. A woman (m=45 kg) is kneeling on the shoulders of a man (m = 70 kg); the pair is moving along the ice at 1.5 m/s. The man gracefully tosses the woman forward through the air and onto the ice. According to Newton's third law, what will happen to the man?

As the woman moves forward, the man will move backward.  For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

*The woman will go forward with greater acceleration because she has less mass.


This much power is needed when 45 Joules of work is accomplished in 5 seconds.

What is 9 Watts?

*Power is work divided by time. 


This is the mechanical advantage of an inclined plane with a distance of 12 meters and a height of 4 meters.

What is 3?  

*You calculate the mechanical advantage of an inclined plane by dividing distance by height.


In the mantle of the Earth, hot currents of magma rise under the tectonic plates and circulate back downward as they cool.  This would be the type of heat transfer associated with this movement.

What is convection?

*With convection, temperature differences in a fluid (liquid or gas) cause circulation and the spreading of thermal energy.
