Data and Experiments
Photosynthesis and Cellular Respiration
Mitosis and Meiosis
Random things

Measurements gathered from observing a pea plant grow over a three week period will result in the collection of - 

A. hypothesis   B. Conclusions   C. Inferences   D. Data

D. Data


The energy in the food produced by autotrophs or taken into the bodies of heterotrophs must be changed into a form that cells can use. The energy-transferring molecule used by cells is - 

A. CO2






Which of the following has the correct order of phases of mitosis? 

A. Telophase, metaphase, anaphase, prophase

B. Telophase, prophase, metaphase, anaphase

C. Metaphase, prophase, anaphase, telophase

D. Prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase

D. Prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase

The presence of which of the following organelles or structures would most likely indicate that a cell is eukaryotic and NOT prokaryotic?

A. Ribosomes 

B. Plasma membrane

C. Cell wall

D. Nucleus

D. Nucleus


Some insects can stand on the surface of water because water - 

A. is a good evaporative coolant 

B. is cohesive and adhesive

C. Has a high boiling point

D. has a high specific heat

B. is cohesive and adhesive


A hypothesis is - 

A. A possible explanation of an observation that can be tested. 

B. A proven statement

C. A conclusive statement

D. A definite answer to a possible problem

A. A possible explanation of an observation that can be tested. 


A student observes that a type of eubacteria contains chlorophyll. Which of these does this type of bacteria have in common with plants?

A. It is photosynthetic 

B. It contains mitochondria

C. It is heterotrophic. 

D. it contains vascular tissues. 

A. It is photosynthetic 


A tomato plant cell has 24 chromosomes. How many chromosomes will each daughter cell have after the cell undergoes a mitotic division? 

A. 24 chromosomes

B. 12 chromosomes

C. 6 chromosomes

D. 48 chromosomes

A. 24 chromosomes 


Which of these supports the cell theory as it is stated today?

A. Not all cells are alive. 

B. All organisms are composed of more than one cell. 

C. Cells must contain a nucleus.

D. New cells are produced by division of existing cells. 

D. New cells are produced by division of existing cells. 


Homeostasis means - 

A. the maintenance of a stable internal environment 

B. the equivalent of evolution

C. the rate of metabolism

D. A gradual change over long periods of time

A. the maintenance of a stable internal environment


Which question cannot be answered scientifically because the quantity cannot actually be measured? 

A. How heavy is a mature female elephant?

B. How happy is a chimpanzee when it finds its favorite food? 

C. How much food does a water buffalo consume in one day?

D. How fast can a tiger swallowtail fly?

B. How happy is a chimpanzee when it finds its favorite food? 


What is the primary goal or purpose of cellular respiration?

A. Capture carbon dioxide from the atmosphere to store it in a chemical form that can be used by the cell 

B. Capture oxygen from the atmosphere to store it in a chemical form that can used by the cell 

C. Release energy from food into a chemical form that can be used by the cell

D. Capture the energy from light from the sun and to produce chemical energy for food molecules

C. Release energy from food into a chemical form that can be used by the cell 


Why must cells divide to stay small or change shape to reduce volume? 

A. to reduce surface area of the cell for quick movement

B. To diffuse substances from an area of higher to lower concentration

C. To move water molecules from areas of high to low pressure

D. To ensure the cell is able to obtain nutrients or remove wastes

D. To ensure the cell is able to obtain nutrients or remove wastes


The smallest unit that can carry out all activities associated with life is - 

A. the cell

B. the atom

C. The organelle

D. a tissue

A. the cell 


In order to maintain homeostasis, it is most important for an animal to be able to -

A. respond to its environment

B. Increase its prey population 

C. hide from its predators

D. change its habitat

A. respond to its environment


Students use a dissolved oxygen probe during a laboratory activity involving 1,000 mL samples of water. The function of the probe is to - 

A. analyze investigation conditions.

B. Test a hypothesis

C. Create a model

D. Gather accurate data

D. gather accurate data


What other substance besides carbon dioxide and water is released in the form of energy during cell respiration from the mitochondria? 

A. Oxygen



D. Glucose



Dogs have 79 chromosomes in their diploid cells. After going through meiosis, how many chromosomes will their daughter cells have? 

A. 45

B. 79

C. 38

D. 1

C. 38


Some unicellular organisms are motile (have the ability to move) and some are nonmotile. Which cellular structures are associated with movement?

A. Vacuoles 

B. Flagella

C. Chloroplasts

D. Ribosomes

B. Flagella

Which statement is true of carbohydrates? 

A. Carbohydrates from biological catalysts known as enzymes. 

B. Carbohydrates are a source of energy. 

C. Carbohydrates are major components of cell membranes. 

D. Carbohydrates carry the genetic information in plants. 

B. Carbohydrates are a source of energy 


A student plans to conduct an experiment to determine how to a change in the pH of water affects the population growth rate of algae. To ensure that her experimental data are valid, she should - 

A. control the final algae population sizes

B. Vary the temperature of the water used

C. Use the same species of algae in all trials

D. Hold the acidity of the water constant

C. use the same species of algae in all trials


Write out both the cellular respiration and photosynthesis formula with chemical equations and words. 

Cellular respiration: O2 + C6H12O6 --> CO2 + H2O

Photosynthesis: CO2 + H2O ---> O2 + C6H12O6


Which interphase phase does the cell duplicate proteins for divisions?

A. G0

B. G1

C. S

D. G2

D. G2


Which cell organelle is responsible for storing water, wastes, and food? 

A. Cell wall

B. Nucleus

C. Vacuole

D. Ribosome

C. Vacuole


Overheating an enzyme results in the enzyme's loss of - 

A. storage of a large amount of chemical energy. 

B. Net electrical charge

C. Storage of inherited information 

D. Ability to catalyze a reaction.

D. Ability to catalyze a reaction 
