Red Yellow, Blue,
What are the primary colors on the color wheel
Using Pencil blending from light to dark to express light.
What is the process of shading
Bottles, Cans, Bags, Flip Flops floating
What are things used in art found in the Ocean
Bright colors, Polka Dots and Shapes
THings that are in Pop Art
You have to learn this and use these shaps to measure a room
What is Geometry and Geometric Shapes
Green, Orange, Purple
What are secondary colors
cris crossing lines to create definition
What is cross hatching
Helps keep you moving, you play on it and it makes cool art
What are recycled tires
Famous People, Places and things in society
What does pop art focus on.
These shapes are compared to water being poured out
What are free flowing or Organic shapes
What is another name for Purple
a chart showing different variations of a grey, black, white
What is a Grey Scale
Clean up planet earth and help the environment
What is cleaning up the planet
1950's, 1960, 1980's, 2000's
When was Pop Art popular
The clouds in the sky form these shapes
What are Organic Shapes
Grey, Black, White
What are the colors on the grey scale
You use this to take out color when shading
What is an Eraser
You read them, they usually are on stands and are very colorful
What are Magazines
This form of Art is very similar to Pop Art
What is Graffiti Art
THese shapes are used in Pop Art alot
What are Geometric Shapes
Blue and Green are warm colors
What are not warm colors
You must Press the hardest to achieve this level on the Grey Scale
What is the box at the end of scale
To use something again for a different purpose
What is recycling
One of the most famous Pop Artist in the world
Who is Andy Warhol
the basic color wheel divided
What Are Cylinders