The signpost where an older character gives some advice.
What is Words of the Wiser?
I happen when a sentence is too long.
What is a run-on sentence?
A person, place, or thing.
What is a noun?
Used to end a question.
What is a question mark?
The main character of Dear Martin.
Who is Justyce McAllister?
This signpost includes might include a flashback.
What is a Memory Moment?
I happen when a sentence is too short.
What is a sentence fragment?
An action word.
What is a verb?
Used to take a pause in a sentence.
What is a comma?
The top of the pyramid is where the most active of a story takes place.
What is the climax?
The signpost where our protagonist must come face to face with a difficult decision.
What are Tough Questions?
I happen when you use a comma is used to connect two sentences.
What is a comma splice?
Behind, above, and below.
What is a preposition?
Used to join two independent clauses.
What is a semicolon?
A type of conflict where the protagonist fights the government.
What is person vs society?
A signpost where the reader or the protagonist finally understands something important about the plot.
What is the Aha Moment?
A type of academic writing used for English.
What is MLA?
A word used to connect clauses or sentences or to coordinate words in the same clause.
What are conjunctions?
Used to add an extreme feeling to the end of a sentence.
What is an exclamation mark?
Characterization was done through dialogue.
What is indirect characterization?
This signpost shows that not all characters are shads of black or white.
What are Contrast and Contradictions?
A word used for inappropriate word choices in sentences.
What is Jargon?
Wow! Ouch!
What is an interjection?
Used to start a list or to tell time.
What is a colon?
A lesson learned from the story.
What is the theme?