The implied meaning or associations tied to a word

What is connotation?


Give a summary of the plot and name the main characters in Neil Gaiman's "Click Clack the Rattlebag." 

What are: A young man volunteers to babysit his girlfriend's little brother in an old, dark home. The little brother asks the young man to tell him scary stories before he goes to bed. As the little boy and young man are walking through the eerie home, the little boy begins to tell the young man a story about the Click Clack monster, who leaves nothing of its victims behind besides their rattling bones. As the two characters reach the bedroom, there is a faint hint of bones rattling and the young man realizes it's too late. 


Effective paragraph structure consists of a topic sentence, evidence, commentary, a concluding statement, and this other element. 

What is context? 


Name 2 different types of characters from literature and provide an example of each from literature/movies/modern world. 

What are round/flat/static/dynamic/stock? 

Name 1 static/flat character and 1 dynamic/round character in Things Fall Apart.

Who are Okonkwo/Ikemefuna/Ezinma and Nwoye?  


The attitude that the author has towards the subject/topic they are writing about

What is tone? 


Name 2 instances of foreshadowing found within "The Lottery" and explain how they propel the plot and/or create suspense. 

What are: the children putting stones in their pockets and Tessie Hutchinson showing up late to the lottery


Name 3 specific things that should be present in an effective topic sentence when writing a paragraph. 

What are the author's last name, the title of the work, and a specific literary element being addressed in the writing? 


What are 3 things that we include in our writing in order to correctly cite and integrate textual evidence? 

What are introducing with a signal phrase & comma, page numbers in parenthesis on the outside of the quotation, and placing a period after the parenthesis. 


Name an external and an internal conflict that Okonkwo faces throughout the story. 

What are: being exiled after disturbing the Week of Peace & dealing with the grief and guilt of killing Ikemefuna? 


Name and define the 2 types of conflict apparent in literature. Give an example of each type from a text we have read this year.

What are internal & external conflict? Internal= struggles with self, external+ struggles with outside forces


Identify a major theme in The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas--make sure your theme is delivered in the form of an effective thematic statement

What is: In order to experience and appreciate happiness, people often have to experience suffering.  

When writing our commentary in a paragraph, we refer to these 2 literary elements to help us elaborate and strengthen our writing so that it remains analytical in nature. 

What are diction and connotation? 


When indirectly characterizing figures in literature, we use the STEAL acronym which stands for this. 

What are speech, thoughts, effects on others, actions, and looks. 


Identify a major symbol in TFA & analyze that symbol to express what it represents and how it unravels a larger thematic idea. 

What is: the fire represents the unruly and often spontaneous rage and passion of Okonkwo, especially as change comes to the village and Christianity spreads. This supports the theme that an unwillingness to change or progress with society can lead to self-destruction and isolation. 


This device uses like or as to compare two things, whereas its similar counterpart compares two things without such words

What are simile and metaphor? 

Name the 2 main characters in Who Am I This Time. Characterize them indirectly and identify a theme they uncover in the story. 

Who are: Harry Nash & Helene Shaw. Their love story develops the thematic message that a relationship based upon façade can often become dangerous and hurtful. 
These 3 qualities help us determine which textual evidence is strong textual evidence. 

What are relevance, substance, & conciseness/concreteness?


Name 4 different annotation methods strong close readers use and what strong annotation looks like on the page. 

What are: ask questions, define unknown terms, identify and think through literary devices, note patterns/things that repeat, make connections to others/text/world? 


Name 1 thing from the novel that may appear to be a symbol at first glance but can actually be considered a motif. 

What is: storytelling or the rain? 


Name 3 other literary devices that have not yet been named. Then, the definition and an example of each from texts we have read.

What are...







Identify 2 symbols from Ray Bradbury's All Summer in a Day. Explain what they represent and which larger thematic idea they help to develop. 

What are: the sun and plants/weeds. The sun represents life and vitality in the world, especially in the world of the children within the story. The weeds and plants represent the cruelty and unruliness of the children in the story. Theme--when jealous, people tend to do hurtful and isolating things to one another, even if they don't mean it. 


Name and identify what each letter in PEEL stands for. 

What are pick a relevant quotation, extract the most powerful/important pieces of diction, explain the connotations of those pieces of diction and how they tie back to the topic/your idea, and let the reader know a lesson learned through a thematic statement? 

When writing thematic statements, what are the 5 things we DO NOT include in effective thematic writing? 

What are cliches, absolute terms, specific character names/text details, plot summaries, direct orders? 


Upon several readings of the novel, it can be argued that Okonkwo's ending is, in fact, very  obviously foreshadowed. Name 3 specific instances of foreshadow from the novel that hint at Okonkwo's death. 

What are: Okonkwo's noting how fire turns to ash, his yams struggling to grow while he is home but growing instead while he is exiled, Ezeudu warning Okonkwo not to kill Ikemefuna, the title of the novel itself? 
