What is the definition of tempo?
Cual es la definicion de tempo?
Speed of the music. La velocidad de la musica.
What is a bar line? Que es una Barra de Compas?
Vertical line that separates the staff into measures. Linea vertical que divide el pentagrama en compas.
How many beats are in a 4/4 measure.
Cuantos compas estan en un compas de 4/4
A quarter note lasts how many beats?
La note negra dura cuantos latidos?
A quarter rest lasts how many beats?
el descanso negro dura cuantos latidos?
Whole Note
Nota Redonda
Half Rest
Silencio de 2 latidos
Half Step UP from A?
What is the basic unit of measurement in music?
Cual es la unidad de medida basica en musica?
Beats. Latidos.
What is the definition of a beat?
Cual es la definicion de un latido?
The basic unit of measurement in music.
La unidad de medida basica en musica.
How many beats are in a 17/4 measure.
Cuantos compas estan en un compas de 17/4
La nota blanca dura cuantos latidos?
A half rest lasts how many beats?
el descanso blanco dura cuantos latidos?
Half Note
Nota Blanca
Eight Rest
Silencio de corchea
Half Step UP from G#
What are the lines and spaces where we write music called?
Como se llaman las lineas y espacios donde escribimos musica?
Staff. Pentagrama.
True or False/Verdadero o Falso
The Staff is a vertical line that breaks up music into measures.
What does the top number in the time signature tell you? Que te dice el numero que esta arriba en el time signature?
Tells how many beats per measure. Te dice cuantos latidos por compas.
A whole note lasts how many beats?
La nota redonda dura cuantos latidos?
A whole rest lasts how many beats?
el descanso redondo dura cuantos latidos?
Quarter Note
Nota Negra
Whole Rest
Silencio de 4 latidos
Half Step DOWN from F
What symbol tells you it is the end of the piece? Que simbolo te dice que es el final de la pieza?
Double Bar Line. Doble Barra de Comas.
True or False/Verdadero o Falso
Tempo is how long the song will take to play.
Tempo te dice cuanto tiempo va a tardar una cancion.
This tells you what note gets the beat. Esto te dice cual nota lleva el latido.
Time signature bottom number. Time signature numero de abajo.
An 8th note lasts how many beats?
La corchea dura cuantos latidos?
1/2....half a beat
An 8th rest lasts how many beats?
el descanso corcheo dura cuantos latidos?
1/2 half a beat
Eighth Note
Quarter Rest
Silencio de 1 latido
Half step DOWN from Db
The section in the staff in between two bar lines is? Las secciones divididas por las barras de compas?
Measure. Compas.
True or False/Verdadero o Falso
A double bar line is where we write music.
La doble barra de compas es donde escribimos la musica.
What is the definition of Time Signature? Que es la definicion de Time Signature?
a symbol at the start of the piece indicating beat composition. Un simbolo que te ensena la construccion de latidos en la cancion.
A 16th note lasts how many beats?
La semicorchea dura cuantos latidos?
1/4.....a quarter of a beat
A 16th rest lasts how many beats?
el descanso semicorcheo dura cuantos latidos?
1/4 a quarter of a beat
16th Note
16th Rest
Silencio de Semicorchea
Half step UP from E
Name a Mnemonic device for notes found in the SPACES
A mnemonic device for notes found in LINES
What is the definition of Pitch?
Cual es la definicion de tono?
The highness or lowness of a note governed by the rate of vibrations.
La altura o bajesa de un tono gobernada por la tasa de vibraciones que lo producen
What is the definition of Clef?
Que es una Clave?
The symbol at the start of the piece that dictates the notes found in the staff
El simbolo al principio que dicta las notas que se encuentran en el pentagrama
If there is a 2 at the bottom of the time signature, what note gets the beat?
Si se encuentra un 2 en el numero de abajo de la signatura de tiempo, que nota lleva el latido?
Half Note
Nota Blanca
A 32nd note lasts how many beats?
Un demisemicorchea dura cuantos latidos?
1/8th of a beat
A 32nd res lasts how many beats?
Un descanso de demisemicorchea dura cuantos latidos?
1/8th of a beat
Draw a 32nd Note on the board
Draw a 3nd rest on the board
go UP 4 half steps from G