Who administers the unemployment insurance program?
What are the two base periods?
Regular and Alternate
The 1st claim filed is known as?
Initial Claim
What are the types of qualifications a claimant must meet to receive benefits?
Monetary, Separation and Weekly
Most of the navigation is done in VUIS by choosing options on the _____.
Who over sees the unemployment system?
What are the separation issue categories?
Discharge, Voluntary Quit and Leave of Absence
Once an initial claim is filed and the claimant goes back to work for at least 30 days or 240 hours and becomes separated again is known as?
Add Claim
The 1st four of the last 5 completed quarters is known as _____.
Regular Base Period
What three items are listed under Search?
Claim, IVR and Claimant
What are 2 types of taxes employers pay in VA?
If a claimant is disqualified due to a separation issue, the claimant can be qualified for benefits again after they have worked for _________.
30 days/240 hours
Once an initial claim is filed and the claimant returns back to work for less than 30 working days or 240 hours is known as?
IE Add Claim
The last 4 of the last five completed quarters is known as _____.
Alternate Base Period
This search option is used to find claimants who have entered information on the IVR system.
IVR Search
A __________ claim is when a claimant is performing work at reduced hours each week.
If a claim is closed because of no activity and becomes active again with no new employment it is known as?
Reopen Claim
CSR's should _____ offer an opinion to the claimant as to his/her eligibility.
You can click on ______ drop down box to see all the claims and programs that the claimant has had.
The UI Program is designed to provide _____ to regularly employed members of the labor force who become involuntarily unemployed.
Partial Income Replacement
The 1st week a claimant meets all eligibility requirements and files their weekly claim is known as _____.
Waiting Week
If a claim is filed when an individual has received the final payable week and continues to claim benefits with no interruption, the claim is known as what type of claim?
Transitional Claim
What are the two types of claims?
Total and Partial
You can click on ______ drop down box to see all the monetary determinations that has been issued.