Every person has got thirty-two __________ in the mouth.
What should we always do before having breakfast, lunch and dinner?
We should wash our hands
People often eat it with butter.
What can happen after we have five big hamburgers?
We can have a stomachache
I am the one. I am on your face. But sometimes I`m runny.
How often should we go to the dentist, once a year or once a week?
Once a year
What is good for our bones?
Milk and cheese
He can`t speak. He`s got a _________________.
sore throat
We use these parts of the body to listen to the music.
How many portions of vegetables and fruit should we have every day?
3-4 portions
What is healthier, crisps or biscuits?
What can hurt when you watch TV all day and all night?
What covers our body?
Is it a good idea to do the morning exercises twice a month?
No, it isn`t
What`s Winnie-the-Pooh`s favourite food?
I`m in bed now. My body feels very hot and I always want to drink. What`s the matter?
I`ve got a temperature
Some people lose one hundred of these every day. What are they?
How much water do the doctors recommend to drink?
2 litres
For breakfast we can have it with milk.
My nose feels blocked. What`s the matter?
I`ve got a runny nose