In this year Head Start was founded
What is 1965
What is classroom learning assessment system
This content area gains information from Brigance and ASQ:SE-2 for social emotional data
What is Mental Health
Research based parent curriculum used
What is Love and Logic
Total funded enrollment number for EHS/HS
What is 1120
These policies & regulations are set by the federal government to help programs run effectively
What are Performance Standards
What is Family Resource Specialist
This content area reviews incoming ARD's / IFSP's
What is Disability
What is 10 percent
Point system used to determine eligibility
What is Systemic Selection
# of adults required in classrooms
What is 2
What is Early Childhood Intervention
This content area just created our new IMC tab in ChildPlus
What is Health Team
Our program provides these meals during the school day
What is breakfast, lunch, and snack
Activity that occurs 6 months before a child turns 3 as well as when a child gets ready for Kindergarten
What is Transition
This item is NEVER allowed at classroom parties
What is candy
What is identified medical condition
This content area supports our HS/EHS classroom teachers
What is Education
When a child fails their 45-day vision screening FRS staff initiates this
What is a Referral
Governing body of EHS/HS of which parents participate
What is Policy Council
These 5 counties serve our EHS/HS centers
What is Collin, Ellis, Grayson, Kaufman, & Rockwall
What is Eligibility, Recruitment, Selection, Enrollment, Attendance
This content area promotes family engagement and ERSEA development
What is Family Services
Pay Check stubs, W-2's, 1040's, TANF, Child Support, are all examples of what
What is Income Documentation
Director of EHS/HS program
Kelly Skwarek