Where Climate and Migration Meet
Human-Centered Agenda to the Future of Work
CDC and the Global Health Agenda
Technology and Democracy: Threat or Promise
Working for Peace Through Legacies of War: The Case of Vietnam

Sub-Saharan Africa is one of the regions suffering the most from climate change impacts because… 

A. It has more sudden-onset climate change disasters, such as hurricanes and cyclones, than other regions of the world. 

B. Africa is particularly reliant on rain-fed agriculture, which is especially impacted by temperature rises, drought, and desertification.

C. Most of Africa’s manufacturing and infrastructure uses electricity generated by coal burning power plants. 

D. Climate change-impacted migrants choose to stay in rural areas because there is no more room in urban areas and international migration is expensive.

B. Africa is particularly reliant on rain-fed agriculture, which is especially impacted by temperature rises, drought, and desertification.


The COVID-19 pandemic sent the world into an economic and social crisis, the effects of which will resonate for years to come. The economic crisis caused by the pandemic is the worst since when? 

A. World War II 

B. The 2008 recession 

C. Y2K 

D. The Korean War  

Correct Answer: A. World War II  


What disease was the primary concern of the CDC (known now as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) when it was first founded in 1946 as the Communicable Disease Center?

 A. Smallpox 

B. Malaria 

C. Tuberculosis 

D. the Flu and similar respiratory diseases

Correct Answer: B. Malaria


 In what way can the January 6th insurrection in Washington be compared to the Arab Spring? 

A. They are examples of free speech 

B. They show how social media platforms can use political unrest to expand their user database

 C. They prove that social media significantly contributes to the onset of protests

 D. They cannot be compared

Correct Answer: B. They show how social media platforms can use political unrest to expand their user database


The Barack Obama administration was in favor of the U.S. joining the TPP, a free trade agreement that would have included Vietnam and other countries in Asia. However, President Donald Trump withdrew the U.S. from the TPP, shortly after taking office in 2017. What was the TPP? 

A. Trade and Peace Partnership

 B. Trans-Pacific Partnership

 C. Transportation and Trade Protocol 

D. Trade Passage Partners 


Correct Answer: B. Trans-Pacific Partnership


According to an Oxford University study, as many as 160,000 people will die every year in India by 2050 due to decreased food production because of climate change. India ranks second in the mortality forecast behind what country, where as many as 248,000 are expected to die for this same reason. 

A. China 

B. United States 

C. Vietnam 

D. Bangladesh  

Correct Answer: A. China


Supply networks have grown more complex, and issues such as child labor, forced labor, and human trafficking have become more pressing. What is the most important aspect in analyzing goods that have come from foreign countries?

 A. Sustainability 

B. Affordability 

C. Traceability 

D. Quality  

Correct Answer: C. Traceability


Who is the current director-general of the World Health Organization, elected in 2017 to a five-year term? 

A. Tedros Ghebreyesus 

B. Antonio Guterres 

C. Rochelle Walensky 

D. Vivek Murthy

Correct Answer: A. Tedros Ghebreyesus


Africa is, and has been, a testing ground for new technologies that require users to register their biometric data. What is the major concern surrounding this issue? 

A. These “testing countries” lack the digital infrastructure to store this amount of data. 

B. People cooperate with these technologies in order to access basic rights such as healthcare, food allowance, or Internet access, but their data is not properly safeguarded. 

C. Too many people resist these technologies, but ignore the benefits they bring, such as streamlined transportation and elections. 

D. Programs to support these technologies lack sufficient funding.

Correct Answer: C. Too many people resist these technologies, but ignore the benefits they bring, such as streamlined transportation and elections.


Though relations between Vietnam and the U.S. have improved markedly over the past decade one longstanding point of contention has been over the issue of 

A. how to counter China’s influence in the region

 B. how to deal equitably with the long-term consequences to public health caused by Agent Orange, the dioxin the U.S. sprayed during the Vietnam War. 

C. the unwillingness of Vietnamese Americans to participate in the reconciliation process 

D. the unwillingness of the Vietnamese government to not only assist in the search for MIA (missing in action American soldiers), but to even admit that remains still exist.

Correct Answer: B. how to deal equitably with the long-term consequences to public health caused by Agent Orange, the dioxin the U.S. sprayed during the Vietnam War.


2020 report titled “Costs of Climate Inaction” by Action Aid NGO found that climate change is directly displacing people and that most of the resulting migration is to cities and urban hubs, causing further strain on what, with limited access to education, healthy care, and water, resulting in greater inequality and sometimes conflict.

 A. civic organizations 

B. autocracies

 C. high rise urban developments

 D. urban slums and informal settlements  

Correct Answer: D. urban slums and informal settlements


Which of the following statements is true of global supply chains? 

A. They create more problems than benefits, and the ILO is working to eliminate unnecessary supply chains.

 B. They have created opportunities for workers to gain value and increase their skill level, all while offering better pay and better work conditions. However, they have also created deficits in decent work.

 C. They bring jobs to smaller countries while providing goods and services to larger countries at a lower cost. They are generally unproblematic, and everyone benefits. 

D. This is a niche area – not that many products have a complex supply chain.

Correct Answer: B. They have created opportunities for workers to gain value and increase their skill level, all while offering better pay and better work conditions. However, they have also created deficits in decent work.


The U.S. is entering the “vaccine diplomacy” game at a time when the efficacy of China’s vaccines is in question in places like Southeast Asia. The U.S. has sent more than a million doses of the Covid-19 vaccine to Vientiane, capital of this country. 

A. Vietnam

 B. Laos 

C. Cambodia 

D. Thailand

Correct Answer: B. Laos


As cybersecurity threats grow, democratic governments need to develop strategies to counter misinformation. The best response from a democratic government would be what?

 A. To manipulate online content in order to steer public discourse towards topics it cares about. 

B. To focus on refuting the false information and exposing corruption. 

C. To combat authoritarian information manipulation with equivalent tactics.

 D. To harness truthful information to defend their interests, uphold worldwide freedom of information, and coordinate with other democratic governments.

Correct Answer: D. To harness truthful information to defend their interests, uphold worldwide freedom of information, and coordinate with other democratic governments.


In recent years Vietnam has shown steady growth in both economic output and freedom in its transition to a more free-market economic system and in 2020 was the highest performing Asian economy, outpacing China in growth rate. What sector of Vietnam’s economy is credited for most of this growth?

 A. tourism fueled both by American Vietnam War veterans and returning Vietnamese who had fled Vietnam as refugees to settle in the U.S. 

B. currency manipulation to enhance Vietnam’s balance of trade

 C. a booming manufacturing industry and the high international demand for Vietnamese exported goods 

D. managing trade tariffs to the benefit of the Vietnamese economy

Correct Answer: C. a booming manufacturing industry and the high international demand for Vietnamese exported goods


Even though they have small populations, many islands in which body of water are especially impacted by sea level rise?

 A. the Caribbean Sea 

B. the Mediterranean Sea 

C. the Pacific Ocean 

D. the Atlantic Ocean

Correct Answer: C. the Pacific Ocean


In 2008, the ILO adopted a Declaration on Social Justice for a Fair Globalization to respond to a world in economic crisis. Which of the following is not an objective of the ILO’s decent work agenda? 

A. to promote decent employment opportunities 

B. to enhance social protection

 C. to set a global minimum wage 

D. to guarantee fundamental principles and rights at work

Correct Answer: C. to set a global minimum wage


Which one of the following statements is true about both the CDC and WHO?

 A. Both the CDC and the WHO are U.S. federal agencies. 

B. Both organizations have their main headquarters in New York City. 

C. The CDC and WHO both are preeminent health agencies and play crucial roles in fighting disease globally and responding to health threats.

 D. The mandate of the WHO is global in scope and mission and the CDC strictly limits itself to domestic health concerns in the United States.

Correct Answer: C. The CDC and WHO both are preeminent health agencies and play crucial roles in fighting disease globally and responding to health threats


Russian Law No. 242-FZ required foreign and domestic companies that processed personal information of Russian citizens to store their data on servers located in Russia. Facebook and Twitter were among several US companies that refused to comply. What was the outcome? 

A. They were fined 4 million rubles each and remain unblocked in the country.

 B. They were blocked from Russian servers until they agree to data storage requirements.

 C. They operate under a different platform name in Russia. 

D. They established an FDI and operate as a Russian entity.

 Correct Answer: A. They were fined 4 million rubles each and remain unblocked in the country.


In 2020, the United States and Vietnam celebrated the ______ anniversary of diplomatic relations. 

A. 5th

 B. 10th 

C. 25th 

D. 50th  

Correct Answer: C. 25th


In April 2021, the UNHCR (United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees) released data showing that the number of people displaced by climate change-related disasters since 2010 has risen to how many?

Correct Answer: C. 21.5 million


The International Labor Office defines “global supply chains” as the cross?border organization of activities required to produce goods or services and bring them to consumers through development, production, and delivery. The mechanisms used include multinational enterprises and FDIs. What are FDIs?

 A. Fast delivery institutions

 B. Foreign direct investments

 C. Factories demanding income 

D. Foreign diplomatic institutions

Correct Answer: B. Foreign direct investments


In 2018, epidemics reportedly cost the world $60 billion a year, whereas COVID-19 will cost an HOW MUCH by the end of 2021, due to health care costs and the loss of education and employment in addition to the overall impact on the economy. 

A. $100 billion 

B. $800 billion 

C. $ 5 trillion

 D. $11 trillion

Correct Answer: D. $11 trillion


The United States and other NATO nations endorsed a new cyber defense policy at the summit in Brussels which would invoke Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty on a “case-by-case basis.” What does Article 5 provide for?

 A. It would provide funds towards cybersecurity when a NATO nation is “at-risk.” 

B. The transfer of private data between NATO nations when there is a national security concern. 

C. If a NATO nation is attacked, including cyber-attacks, other members would consider actions to respond in their defense. 

D. NATO nations would be penalized for cybersecurity breaches due to negligence because it puts other NATO nations at risk.

Correct Answer: C. If a NATO nation is attacked, including cyber-attacks, other members would consider actions to respond in their defense.


Though once at war with each other, the U.S. and Vietnam now cooperate on a wide range of issues, including fighting COVID-19, preparing for future health security threats, combating climate change, and addressing shared legacies of war. Economic ties have increased so much between the two nations that the U.S. is now Vietnam’s _______________ trading partner and its top export market worldwide. 

A. largest 

B. second largest

 C. third largest 

D. fifth largest 


Correct Answer: B. second largest
