“My name is Julius Pepperwood.”
Who gets “sweat back” when lying?
Jess dates the father of one of her students. What is his nickname?
Jess and Cece end up in mall jail after?
getting high and trying to steal a bread machine
What hobby does Winston love?
“A-a WHITE man?! NO!!!”
What is a “honey roast”?
instead of insulting the subject of the roast, people say nice things about them instead. Invented by Winnie the Bish
What is the name of the homeless man who lives by their building and sometimes on Jess’s car?
Outside Dave
Who tries to fight a cop after getting dumped?
At Schmidt’s bachelor party when the guys get into a brawl, what song is playing?
Roar by Katy Perry
“I just wanted to listen to Taylor Swift alone!”
What is a pogo?
a VERY specific annoyance/personality quirk that annoys the other roommates
What is the name of Nick’s friend from the park who never speaks?
When Jess and Nick take their partners on a couples’ getaway, what alcohol do they drink?
Which character proposes in a public bathroom?
“I can help you end this. Know why? It’s because I have SISTERS. And that means I know more about women than you!”
What is “Biden-ing”?
A pickup method where your constant presence wins. “Be there. Wherever he goes, be there. At the end of the night? You’re there.”
Name the traveling salesperson who briefly lives in the loft
biconic Reagan, aka Megan Fox
Schmidt pretends to be the son of which celebrity?
Mitt Romney
What does Nick get Cece and Schmidt for their wedding?
A tattoo of Cece and Schmidt as the ‘Pretty Woman’ characters
“Excuse me, Nick is VERY romantic. He does romantic things for me all the time.”
Jess’s friend Sady is a gynecologist and a lesbian. What does Schmidt call her?
a Vagenius
How did Ferguson join the loft?
Winston catnaps him from the girl he was dating after he found out she was seeing other people
Jess believes she murdered…. who?
“He’s the only man we both loved.” Who says this, and about whom?
Nick, speaking about Russell (aka Fancyman), whom Jess dated and they both loved *broken heart emoji*