What is the valentines angel called?
What is a gun category game?
Apex legends,splatoon,Fortnite,call of duty,over Watch.
What is a chocolate brand?
KitKat,hershies,the three muskateers,the Milky Way.
What does the valentines angel use?
Bow and Arrow.
What is a beast defeating game?
Shadow of the collosus,attack on Titan the game.
What is a lolly pop brand?
Dumb dumbs.
What is Valentines about?
Being with Friends and family.
What is a snack catching game?
Bug snaks.
What are Laffy taffy brands?
Air heads,taffy,and hi chew.
What is one category of candy you give out for valentine’s Day?
Chocolate,and cake pops.
What is a zombie game?
The walking dead 1,2,3, and 4.
What is a candy usually sold in carnavals?
Cotton candy.
How long was genie in the teapot before laden found him?
10,000 years
What is round with a tip at the bottom?
What is a vr game I haven’t played in a long time?
What candy is famous during cristmas.
Candy cane,frosting.
What is the flintstones home town?