A spider has this many legs
What is 8?
The stars on the flag of the United States are this color
What is White?
This is what its called when a human eats the flesh of another human
What is Cannibalism?
This popular card game is known to have all sorts of cards including 'Skip' and 'Reverse'
What is Uno?
Sonny the Cuckoo bird was "cuckoo for" this
What is Cocoa Puffs?
This wooden puppet is known for having his nose grow every time he lied
In the Peanuts cartoons and comics the bird Woodstock is this color
What is Yellow?
A Planchette from the French "Little Plank" is a heart shaped flat piece of wood that can be found with this type of board
What is a Ouija Board?
This popular television game show has been airing since 1964 and includes 3 contestants that have to answer in the form of a question
What is Jeopardy?
This food is derived from milk by coagulation or "curdling"
What is cheese?
A 'Tower' is what its called when you have a group of this animal
What is Giraffes?
In the 1900s this type of fever was discovered and given its name because in serious cases skin would turn this color
What is Yellow? (Yellow Fever)
Someone with Thalassophobia has a fear of this
What is the Sea? (or deep bodies of water)
A card game for only one player is called this
What is Solitaire or Patience card games?
Beans & oatmeal (not necessarily together) are good sources of this substance that helps food pass through the body
What is Fiber?
This Smurf was created by the evil wizard Gargamel to cause problems in Smurf village until Papa Smurf transformed them into a real Smurf
Who is Smurfette?
During the first 6 months of life a zebras stripes are typically this color
What is Brown?
This is the only word in English that ends in 'mt'
What is 'Dreamt'
(The word's derivatives including undreamt, daydreamt, and redreamt are the only other words that end with the same letters.)
'Vice City' is a game that is a part of this popular game series
What is GTA? (Grand Theft Auto)
The name of this Mexican food favorite is Spanish for little donkey
What is burrito?
This letter is the only letter in the English alphabet that is not included in any of the 50 states in the U.S
What is Q?
Topaz is this color in its PURE state
What is colorless (through trace elements, radiation, and defects in the crystal structure causes the variations of blue)
Etymology is the study of this
What is Words?
In 1988, Gunpei Yokoi and his team in Nintendo managed to develop the first handheld video game console to be compatible with interchangeable game cartridges
What is Game Boy?
Antioxidant properties in the red type of this drink such as a merlot may reduce heart disease
What is wine?